In the Midst of it All (Episode 5 - Trouble)

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Third Person P.O.V.

The weekend was finally over and the school week had started once again. It was a couple minutes before the start of class and Slaine was at his locker when he heard the locker next to him slam.

"Didn't I tell you that you should personalize your locker more?" (Y/N) had said as she peeked over Slaine's shoulder to look at his locker's plain interior.

"What am I supposed to put in it?" Slaine asked as he continued to fix his stuff.

(Y/N) reopened her locker as she took out a vintage camera. It was one of those cameras that produced the image after taking a picture.

"Let's take a picture together Troyard," (Y/N) said as she held up the camera.

"No," Slaine said jokingly.

(Y/N) frowned, "If you want to do it that way..." she quickly punched Slaine lightly in the stomach and made a peace sign and Slaine made a face of pain. The flash had gone off and a black picture came out of the camera.

"Hey," Slaine complained, "That wasn't very nice." The rebel gave an evil grin, "I know." She started waving the black photo in the air as the picture slowly started to take form. (Y/N) burst into laughter.

"Oh my--Look at your face!!!" (Y/N) burst, "That's just golden." She took a piece of tape that was in her locker and placed the photo in Slaine's locker. "There," she said with a proud look, "That's better. We'll just take more photos with the others and you're locker will look more lively in no time."

Slaine laughed at his friend, "Whatever you say (Y/N)."

Inaho walked into the hallways and saw (Y/N) and Slaine talking and laughing.

"No Inaho. You're just seeing things." He said as he made his way over. "Hey you two. What are you guys up to?"

"Nothing much," (Y/N) replied casually, "Just taking more failed attempts of pictures with Troyard over here and putting them in his locker. But since you're here, I can take pictures of you and him. Maybe he'll actually put on a normal face," (Y/N) laughed. Inaho peeked over and looked into Slaine's locker to see pictures of Slaine and the rebel. Most of them were of (Y/N) laughing at him.

Inaho laughed, "Sure, as long as I get to hit him too." (Y/N) laughed again, "Whatever floats your boat Inaho."

The trio took a few pictures until Asseylum came. (Y/N) had decided that it would be a brilliant idea to take pictures with her as well.

"Troyard, go stand next to her will you?" Slaine had given (Y/N) a face and stood next to Asseylum and (Y/N) started taking pictures. "Okay Troyard. Move over. I want to take a picture with Asseylum too. You can't have her all to yourself," (Y/N) smirked as Inaho laughed.

The final picture was taken of Asseylum and (Y/N). And, just like the others, (Y/N) posted the picture in Slaine's locker.


It was currently lunch time and Inaho, Slaine, Asseylum, and Inko were sitting at one of the lunch tables.

"Hey," Slaine started as he looked around, "Where's (Y/N)?".

Inko took a bite of her sandwich, "I believe she said something about walking around to look for something."

Slaine pondered as he tried to comprehend what that could mean.

"Don't worry Slaine," Inaho said while patting his friend's shoulder, "(Y/N) is (Y/N). Knowing her, she's probably plotting one of her schemes on somebody she doesn't like or something."

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