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It was the following day of which the cast for the new series was posted. All of the members had gathered back at Crescent Studios, awaiting for their new script and more detailed character description. One thing everyone was still wondering was the title of the series.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

We all were waiting in lounge room for the detailed descriptions of our roles. I mean, all the roles were pretty vague and basic sounding as of now so we were all curious.

"I hope this isn't as basic as it seems."

I was sitting by myself at the moment. I didn't really like crowds much which was ironic being as that I was an actress. But nonetheless, I still wasn't really comfortable. I sat by myself playing with the little corners of paper of the first cast list (S/N) has given us yesterday. It was very entertaining; note the sarcasm. I was looking down at the moment when I saw two sets of shoes appear. One was wearing white flats and the other wearing black Converse. I looked up to see none other than Asseylum and Slaine, our show's love team...I was basing this off of the list posted yesterday. They were wearing casual clothes, Asseylum in a white sun dress and Slaine in jeans and a blue t-shirt.

"I have yet to know Slaine, but he seems like a dog, always following her around."

"Hi, (Y/N)," Asseylum beamed.

"Hey," I said casually.

"I was thinking since we're going to be acting as best friends in the series, I should get to know you better in person first."

"That's very nice of you, Asseylum," I said as I smiled.

"So, Slaine," I said as I smirked, "Are you here to make sure I'm nice to her?" I said whilst pointing to Asseylum.

"N-no..."he stammered while blushing.

"Ha, I knew he had a crush on her." I've always had a knack for sensing these kinds of things, you know?

I was about to say something else when my dad suddenly yelled.

"Okay, you guys. In my hand is a more detailed description of each of your characters for each part. I want you to read them and practice your lines for the next couple of hours. After that, we will start filming."

I raised my hand, "You still haven't told us the title of the series yet."

He looked around, "Since you're all here I guess I will tell you. The series is called 'In the Midst of it All'."

"Oh boy, sounds like another cheesy romance story," I said in a monotone voice.

"I bet it'll be fun," Asseylum smiled.

"Yeah," I said as I walked up to Slaine and nudged his side, "Especially for this guy right here."

"S-Shut up," he said.

Only short word responses? How funny. I laughed as the roles were being passed out.

Slaine's P.O.V.

Dang that (Y/N) for trying to make it obvious. Maybe I shouldn't have said that she looked nicer in person...that's probably why she's doing this to me.

I was handed my role and I looked at it:

In the Midst of It All (Episode 1 - I Need Your Help)

Slaine Troyard: Boy Who is Crushing

You will be one of four main characters in this show. Your character will be the one crushing on Asseylum, your childhood friend. In this series, you are the school's top student, known as a nerd by others. Don't get yourself wrong though, most of the female student body loves you. The problem with you is that you've had a hard expressing your feelings to Asseylum. You never find the right time to do it, so as a result, you seek help. You see Asseylum's best friend, and school rebel, (Y/N) (L/N), sitting by herself in class. You ask her to help set you and Asseylum up so that you can finally get closer to her and confess. She is reluctant at first, but eventually agrees to it.

So this is episode one, huh? And I play a nerd...something tells me I won't hear the end of that, but at least I can get closer to Asseylum this way. It kind of scares me that I actually have to have a lot of interaction with (Y/N) though. I guess I should try to befriend her after all.

Third Person's P.O.V.

Everyone continued to look at their roles. Asseylum read hers:

In the Midst of It All (Episode 1 - I Need Your Help)

Asseylum Vers Allusia: Slaine Troyard's Crush

You will be one of four main characters in this show. You are the school's sweetheart. You will be Slaine Troyard's, your childhood friend's, crush. You will be completely oblivious to his feelings. Your best friend is (Y/N) (L/N), the school's rebel. You became friends a couple years later after meeting Slaine.

(Y/N) read her role and was satisfied. She wasn't able to be a villain this time, "But hey," she thought to herself, "At least I get to be the school's rebel."

In the Midst of It All (Episode 1 - I Need Your Help)

(Y/N) (L/N): Asseylum Vers Allusia's Best Friend

You will be one of four main characters in this show. You will be the school's rebel and Asseylum's best friend. You had always heard her talking about her childhood friend, Slaine Troyard, but you've never actually met him. She's been telling you he's been acting weird lately and you just tell her it's probably nothing. You'll be sitting in class that day when suddenly, a random boy comes up to you saying he needs your help. It is Slaine Troyard. You are reluctant at first, but eventually decide to do it.

(Y/N) smirked at the last part.

"This will be more fun than I thought. I get to tease Slaine in real life and on-set."

Inaho read over his part. "This seems like it will be an interesting show...knowing Direct, he's got a plot change planned."

In the Midst of It All (Episode 1 - I Need Your Help)

Inaho Kaizuka: Slaine Troyard's Best Friend

You will be one of four main characters in this show. Your job is this series is to help Slaine Troyard and (Y/N) (L/N) with their plans to get Asseylum to recognize Slaine's feelings. You will always help Slaine when he is in trouble and he will always come up to you when he is confused or needs help.

*****I've only listed the main roles since those are the one's crucial to the series*****

Everyone went to their own personalized cast rooms after receiving their descriptions. They all diligently studied their lines that came with their descriptions. A good three hours had passed by since then.

(F/N)'s P.O.V.

"You guys ready?" I asked my camera crew.

They all gave me a thumbs up as I smiled and nodded in response. I had sent all the make-up and costume artists to each of the cast rooms to help them prepare for the shooting.

"Alright, everyone," I announced on the speaker system, "It's time to film the first episode! So let's get this show on the road."

The cast came out filing out of the rooms and met up with me.

"Alright, everyone, we're taking the bus to go film at a real place. I don't believe in green screens, so let's get a move on. Chop chop."


We all got to our first set which was inside the halls of another version of Royal Crown Academy, except this one was a bit smaller and easier to for my camera men to move in, but big enough to have student dorms. The school in the series would be called Villa Sun High School.

"Everyone take your places. Extras, I need you guys too."

All the members got to their places waiting for the call.

"Lights, camera, and ACTION."

No Emotions Attached (Slaine Troyard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now