In the Midst of it All (Episode 10 - Sudden Realization)

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Third Person P.O.V.

The sakura blossoms gracefully flowed to the luscious green grass on the campus of Villa Sun High.

Slaine and (Y/N) sat on the white staircase of the school building. The two of them were currently waiting for Asseylum to go the meeting place. (Y/N) stared at the sky while Slaine stared at the large green oak among the sakura trees where he and Asseylum were supposed to meet.

"Can you believe it, Slaine?" (Y/N) said as coolly as possible.

Slaine raised a brow at his friend as she continued to avert her eyes from his. "Believe what?"

"Don't act dumb, Slaine," (Y/N) chuckled, "It's been almost an entire school year and you're finally going to confess. To think of all the things we've planned before this day."

Slaine nodded, "I've also known you for almost a year and we're the best of friends." He playfully punched the rebel as she laughed and returned it back.

A sudden question came to Slaine's mind. "Hey, (Y/N)?"


"Why did you choose for the confession to be today?"

(Y/N) sighed and patted Slaine's shoulder. "I thought you were ready and it seemed like the perfect time so here we are now."

"Oh..." Slaine said with slight disappointment, "seems legit." Slaine felt himself wanting to hear another answer. He just didn't quite know what that answer was.

(Y/N)'s answer to Slaine wasn't exactly honest. The truth was, she just wanted to get the confession over with. She had feelings for Slaine, but she knew that those feelings wouldn't be returned. She thought it would be best to stop those feelings now rather than later.

The two sat in silence watching the beautiful weather. The silence wasn't awkward being that they were good friends.

A few minutes later, the familiar blonde with blue eyes walked to the tree. She seemed to be a bit lost for a moment and she looked around. Asseylum was wondering why she had to meet Slaine.

(Y/N) punched Slaine's arm playfully. "Now's your chance," she said trying her best to hide her disappointment, "The best of luck to you, Slaine." (Y/N) smiled weakly as her hand was placed on Slaine's shoulder.

Slaine smiled back at the rebel. He grabbed her hand placing it in his. With one hand on top of the other he spoke. "Thank you for everything you've done, (Y/N). When I asked for you to help me earlier in the year, I didn't expect that we would be close friends." All the time he was talking, Slaine was burning on the inside. He felt something as their hands touched for more than just a moment. "I won't let your efforts go to waste, (Y/N)."

He let go of her hand and stood up. (Y/N)'s (e/c) orbs met with Slaine's. (Y/N) stood up. "I think I'll go now." Before she headed down the stairs, she was quickly pulled into an embrace.

Her body was tense at first, but it eventually relaxed as she returned the hug. Slaine spoke again, "Thank you for everything."

The two stood there for a couple moments when (Y/N) broke away. She spoke softly, "I will take my leave now." She walked down the steps of the school and down the stone path. She put on her sunglasses with her hands in her pockets.

"You're such an idiot for falling for him, (Y/N). Why'd you let that happen?" she mentally scolded herself.

Slaine watched as (Y/N) left and made his way toward the tree. Something felt wrong and he could feel it himself. As he neared Asseylum, that feeling became stronger and stronger. She smiled at him; he smiled back. But the smile he returned wasn't a genuine one. Slaine honestly didn't know what he was doing anymore. Slaine didn't feel that same admiration and liking that he used to.

"Asseylum," Slaine started, "I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Asseylum asked.

Just as Slaine opened his mouth to speak, images and memories started to flow in his head. Not ones with Asseylum, but ones with (Y/N). The memory of when they first met, the sleepover, the detention, everything up until now. Slaine had always been with (Y/N). He realized that he felt at ease with her, but at the same time, flustered and gushy on the inside. He had been too blind to notice. Seeing (Y/N) also lit up his days. The picture from (Y/N)'s locket popped in his mind. "(Y/N) truly is beautiful..." Slaine thought to himself.

"Asseylum," he spoke, "How do you tell a girl you love her?"

Asseylum smiled at Slaine. She had always thought that Slaine had liked (Y/N) the entire time.

"Well, you just have to tell them straight out, Slaine, be honest with them. Now go tell her, Slaine. Best of luck."

Slaine smiled and nodded. He walked away from the tree and down to the path (Y/N) had taken. He was nervous and fidgeting a lot, but he was looking forward to telling (Y/N) his feelings.


(Y/N) was just about to open the gates to her home when someone yelled her name.

"(Y/N)!" Slaine said as he ran to her. She quickly fixed her composure and looked at Slaine.

"So how'd it go?" she said as she leaned on her gate. She prepared for her gut to be punched. She waited for the answer. Slaine looked happy so she knew it went well.

"I didn't go through with it," Slaine said.

(Y/N)'s eyes lit up, "You didn't?" she said coolly. Slaine shook his head. "I'm doing the confession another time," he said happily. (Y/N)'s eyes dulled once more.

"That's good to know." She turned to open her gate when she felt both of her hands being taken by Slaine's.

"...and that time is now," Slaine said, "(Y/N), I love you."

The rebel looked at him with shock not knowing what to say. She was happy on the inside but confused at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Slaine," she pulled her hands away, "I just can't accept your feelings right now. What if you're not sure about it yourself?" She walked inside the gate and away from Slaine.

"I love you, (Y/N)!" he yelled from the other side, "And I will prove that you're the only one for me."

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