In the Midst of it All (Episode 9 - Unknown Feelings)

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Third Person P.O.V.

(Y/N) stood in front of her locker, rummaging through it when she heard an all too familiar voice behind her.

"Hey, gorgeous," a flirtatious voice said.

(Y/N) grunted and exhaled a deep, loud breath. "Why don't you say 'hello' to my fists instead, Calm?" She turned to face the freckled male as she slammed her locker.

"I'll stop, jeez," Calm said in defeat as he returned to his annoying tone once again. "You ready to confess your love to me?"

The rebel scoffed as she flicked her (h/c) hair in front of his face. "You've got it all wrong, Calm. It's the opposite. If anything, you better be the one who prepares for rejection."

"Oh, (Y/N)," Calm said as he placed one of his hands on (Y/N)'s locker, blocking her view of the left side. "I honestly don't know what you don't see in me. The other girls love me, why can't you do the same?"

Just at that moment, the locker next to (Y/N)'s slammed violently. Both the students turned to see a secretly agitated Slaine. (Y/N) kept a straight face while Calm smirked.

"Hey, Slaine," (Y/N) spoke casually as she looked at the turquoise eyed boy.

Slaine honestly didn't know what came over him. When he saw Calm trapping (Y/N) earlier, he had to do something. "Calm," Slaine spoke, his voice surprisingly deeper than usual, "leave her alone."

Calm's grin widened. "It's not like your her boyfriend or anything, Troyard. But if you insist..." Calm walked away leaving the two by themselves. "...I'll see you two in class."

"Well then," (Y/N) spoke as she looked to where Calm had walked off and then reverting her gaze back to Slaine. "Woah, Slaine, you look as if you're about to kill someone." She patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, Slaine. Now, come on. Let's get to class."

Slaine followed his friend through the halls remaining silent most of the time. He was deep in thought, but the question was, what was he thinking deeply about? Even Slaine himself did not know the answer to that question.


"But, (Y/N)!" Calm yelled in desperation. "I love you!" He grabbed for (Y/N) hand as she violently tugged it away. She looked at him with fierce eyes.

"I'm sorry, Calm," she said sincerely as her fierce act started to falter. "I cannot accept your feelings."

"Why not, (Y/N)?" Calm cried out.

"You know very well the answer to that question," (Y/N) replied quietly and she started to walk away from the breaking down Calm. He raced toward her and pulled her into an embrace.

Slaine sat in his desk as he watched his classmates perform. It was a convincing act, very well put together. It was all too realistic and...touchy for his liking. He couldn't help but feel angry at Calm for touching (Y/N) that way. Slaine, knew it was an act, but he couldn't stop himself from burning inside.

"Slaine, what is wrong with you? It's only an act." He told himself many times.

(Y/N) pushed Calm away from her staring him straight in the eye, making sure to not lose her composure this time. She made sure that her facial expressions would give the message to Calm. "Inko is my best friend, Calm." (Y/N) lowered her voice even more. "And I am not going to allow a man like you ruin our friendship." She took a few steps away from Calm. "And another thing...I never loved you in the first place." (Y/N) walked away leaving Calm in a state of utter sadness.

"Thank you, Inko, Calm, and (Y/N) for the wondrous performance!" Madame Red clapped uncontrollably. "Such emotion! Such display! You could've fooled me if I just happened to walk right on by."

(Y/N) sat down behind Slaine as she started to dust herself off. Slaine felt at ease as when he saw Calm sit far away. "Can you believe that?" (Y/N) said in disgust as she continued to dust herself. "Calm had to hug me. Hug." She made a face of disgust and Slaine laughed at her gestures. "I think I'm going to need to burn my clothes now."

"Well, you did chose to get into a group with him." Slaine pointed out. (Y/N) blew raspberry at the male.

"I only did that to help you get into a group with Asseylum over there." (Y/N) spoke as she pointed to the blonde sitting nearby. A sly grin formed on her face. "Don't get flustered when you guys perform, Slaine. It isn't the actual thing...yet." She playfully punched Slaine's arm.

He rubbed the spot as he looked at his laughing friend. For some reason, whenever he thought of Asseylum, he wouldn't get so nervous or flustered as he used to. Perhaps he'd grown confident?

(Y/N) stopped laughing as she realized her friend had been quiet for pretty much the duration of the school day. She cocked her head in a strange matter that Slaine unknowingly found adorable. "Slaine? You seem quiet today? Something wrong?"

Slaine tried to speak but only small stutters exited his mouth. He was a nervous wreck for some reason. Perhaps it was because he was performing next? Yeah, that's it. Slaine was just nervous.

"Slaine, Inaho, Asseylum. You may now take the stage," Madam Red announced.


School had ended and Slaine was by himself at the moment being that the others had some matters to attend to. (Y/N) was talking to a teacher at the moment.

Slaine had been quiet the entire day. Still thinking intently on something, though he didn't exactly know what. Something was on Slaine's mind, but he just couldn't seem to pinpoint it.

He opened his locker to put away all his books and materials. He sighed as continued to put his materials for the day when a photo in his locker had caught his attention. His locker was now full of photos of all his friends, mainly Inaho and Asseylum. Even though it was (Y/N)'s idea to customize the locker, there weren't many pictures of her. But there was one, that Slaine had taken by accident. In that picture, (Y/N) happened to be laughing. She had a beautiful smile in that picture, and all of her features seemed to glow, that is, in Slaine's mind. It was completely different person from the rebel Slaine knew at the beginning of the school year.

Slaine simply smiled when he remembered how angry (Y/N) got when he took that picture.

"What are thinking about, Slaine?" He thought to himself. And, as if the world had somehow read his mind, the answer appeared in front of him. Unfortunately, he was too confused to realize that.

"Hey, Slaine," the rebel said as she walked to him. She spoke with a sense of urgency. As if, she were in a rush to end the conversation really soon. "I hope you're confident because tomorrow is the day."

Slaine looked at (Y/N) questioningly. "The day for what?"

She rolled her eyes playfully, hiding the true emotions behind them. "Your confession to Asseylum."

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