The Senior Prom

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Okay, so this is the second to last chapter of the book. So yea...hope you enjoy.

Slaine's P.O.V.

3:30 PM

Today was the senior prom. The prom was going to start at 7:30. For the past couple of weeks, perhaps even months, though I never got to see her face, (Y/N) and I have been communicating with each other whenever she was free. Our friendship has gotten stronger and I'm glad I was able to catch her on that plane because if I haven't, who knows where we would have been now?

I was to pick her up at 6:30. So within the time between, I would be picking up my suit and corsages. When I had told (Y/N) I was go g to buy one for both of us, she had objected. I remember how we bickered over the simple flower piece. She said things like, "Slaine, your wasting money on something that probably won't even last an hour." I simply chuckled at her words.

Inaho walked into my room, without knocking as usual. I've grown used to it though.

"The shop called and they said your tux is ready," Inaho said plainly. I looked at him to see that he was already dressed up.

I raised my eye brow, "Isn't it a bit too early to be wearing your suit?"

He simply shrugged. "I'd rather wear it now, than rush trying to put it on later."

"Whatever you say, Inaho," I said as I turned to my desk.

"Are you going to finally do it today?" Inaho asked.

I looked at the piece of paper I was currently working on. "Hopefully. I don't want to miss out on an opportunity again."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Shit," I said as I shook my finger furiously after accidentally touching my curling iron. I finally finished curling my hair after what seemed like hours. I literally just came from the airport and rushed home so that I would have enough time to get ready. It's not really the dressing up that took up time, it was the hair.

After finishing with the demonic iron, I sprayed light hairspray and put on a matching rose hair accessory to match my (f/c) (whatever-you-want) dress. I put on some light makeup since too much would make me look like a clown or something. I took my newly bought wedges out of their box and placed them next to my bed in my old room.

My mom insisted on having stylists and the like come over to help me, but being in college and having only myself to rely on, I got used to not being 'pampered'.

My mom walked in and gushed at me. "You look so pretty!"

I laughed, "I'm not even wearing my dress yet," I said as I took my dress out of its box.

"You're still gorgeous, honey," she said as she was about to close the door, "Oh, and it's almost 6:00."

"Are you serious?" I asked. I looked at the clock on the lavender coffee table.

5:55 PM

"Huh, oh well," I said as my mom closed the door. At least my hair is done. Putting on a dress only takes at least five minutes.

Slaine's P.O.V

6:15 PM

Having already put on the tuxedo with a tie to match the color of (Y/N)'s dress, I headed towards the (L/N) house. I placed one of the corsages into the front pocket of my tux while keeping the other in its box. I'm sure (Y/N) is going to flip because I actually bought them.

I got into the limo the group had pitched in to pay for. All of the cast from the series sat inside. I sat by myself and saved a seat for (Y/N) while the others piled in.

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