The Post

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Third Person P.O.V.

(BF/N) had currently finished watching the most recently aired episode of her friend's new series. She was full of excitement and giddy for some reason. Her eyes sparkled as she dashed to her computer and searched for a certain specific picture on her search engine. She smiled as she found the perfect picture and went straight to her social media site. Her eyes were completely focused as she typed in a description for her photo.

"OMG. Wasn't the last episode of 'In the Midst of it All' an eye opener?" she read to herself as she continued to type, "Isn't this couple, like, OTP????" a smile formed on the girl's face as she typed her last part, "I know some haters are gonna hate, but THIS IS MY OTP!!!"

(BF/N) had clicked the post button as she leaned back in her chair and smiled, "I can't wait to see (Y/N)'s face tomorrow," she mumbled to herself.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

It was the end of the school day and I was walking with Slaine and (S/N) who was currently on her phone.

"(Y/N)," Slaine asked me.

"Hm?" I said while yawning.

"Can you come over to help Asseylum and me with English?" I looked at him weirdly, "Why? Today's lesson was easy." He gave me a sheepish grin, "I wasn't paying attention." I slapped the boy lightly, "Wow, just wow. Too busy looking at Asseylum?" I teased.

"N-no," he stuttered. I laughed, "Suuure."

A couple of students passed by us and made a little squeal. Some gave us strange looks.

"What's their problem?" I said while taking a seat on the fountain. Slaine sat beside me and (S/N) on the other.

"No clue. I've been getting that all day," Slaine shrugged.

I thought for awhile, "Now that you mention it...I've been getting that too. I wonder why?" I was thinking when a loud voice interrupted my thoughts.

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard (BF/N) yell, "Did you see my post?" she said while wriggling her eyebrows.

(S/N) had slowly formed a sly grin on her face, "I did."

"Isn't it great?" (BF/N) squealed while hopping up and down.

"Indeed indeed," my sister replied, "So many likes and comments. More than I would've expected."

I was getting curious, "Okay you weirdos, let me see that," I grabbed my sister's phone and looked at the screen. My (e/c) eyes widening in horror. "What is it?" Slaine asked as he tried to look over. I quickly gave back the phone as the weirdos started to laugh hysterically. 

"Nothing special," I said while frantically waving my hands, "Just a really weird picture of someone licking a lollipop."

Slaine looked at me confusedly, "That's just weird."

"I know right?" I said while faking a laugh. I jolted up as I saw (B/N) park by the front, "I'll see you and Asseylum later alright?"

"Okay," he replied as he waved. I grabbed (S/N) and headed for the car.

"Did you not like the post?" (S/N) smirked.

"Noo, of course I liked the post," I said sarcastically, "Of course I didn't like the post you weirdo. Asselyum and Slaine are the 'OTP'. On set and off. Okay? Okay."

(S/N) shrugged and smiled, "If you say so (Y/N)."


Slaine's P.O.V.

I was currently in the house's study room when I heard the doorbell ring. I heard someone open the door.

"Oi, Slaine!" Yuki yelled, "(Y/N) says she's here to help with homework."

I yelled back, "Tell her I'm in the study room."

"Like I know the exact layout of the house Slaine!" (Y/N) yelled. I laughed, "I'll open the door so that you can find it."

I got up from the leather seat and opened the dark wooden door and went back to my seat. After a couple of seconds, I heard (Y/N) walk in. She stood behind me, "Where's Asseylum."

 I sighed, "She ended up getting help from someone." She punched me in the shoulder, "Then you should've asked her for help! You just missed a great opportunity. Tsk tsk," she said while shaking her head in disapproval.

I rubbed the spot she hit me on, "Ow. Besides, (Y/N), she said she was going out so I couldn't really ask for help."

"Ohhh," she said while taking the English paper from my hands, "Let's get this over with. I got things to do."

I laughed, "Like what? Sleep?"

"Yep," she laughed.

Asseylum's P.O.V.

I was currently at Coffee Shoppe Cappuccino with Lemrina and Inko. We were all having a great time laughing and talking. Lemrina had taken out her phone and showed something to Inko.

"Oh my gosh," Inko laughed, in a polite way though, "Someone posted that?"

Lemrina giggled, "Yeah. And it was her best friend who posted it too."

"I'm sure (Y/N) is pretty unhappy with it," Inko spoke.

I took a sip from my drink, "What is it?" I asked curious to see what the two girls were laughing and talking about. Lemrina showed the screen to me and there was a picture of (Y/N) and Slaine together with the main caption, "OTP".

"Aw," I said while looking at the photo, "You know, they look cute together."

"They do," Inko said, "But Asseylum," her face becoming a bit serious, "You do know that Slaine likes you right? On set and off."

I sighed, "Yeah, I know. But I can't really do anything about it. I only see him as a close friend. Nothing else."

It was sad to say it, but it was true.

"Are you going to tell him," Lemrina asked.

"I'll tell him eventually. When the time is right." I assured her.

"You know," Inko started, "That's why Slaine and (Y/N) are so close. She's been trying to help him get closer to you."

I sighed again, "I know. That's why I asked you guys to come out with me tonight. I don't want to give him any more false hope than he already has."

"Oh Asseylum," Inko said with sympathy, "If there is anyway Lemrina and I can help, we'll do it."

I smiled at the two, "Thank you guys. I appreciate the thought, but I think this is something I should do on my own."

They nodded and brought up a new topic so the air wouldn't be so thick. I smiled at the two and thought about Slaine.

"I'm sorry Slaine. I just don't see you that way."

I should tell him soon. I don't want to keep him hoping and have (Y/N) wasting her efforts for nothing.

No Emotions Attached (Slaine Troyard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now