Chapter 35

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"Please don't do this. I don't want to go!"

Mayuzumi ignored my words as he followed my grandfather out the front door of the hospital his hand like an iron manacle. My wrist ached as he held on to me, his face a cold emotionless mask. People looked on as I was dragged out but didn't move towards us but who could blame them? My grandfather was an imposing figure on his own add Mayuzumi and the five other guards around us, dressed in suits, tattoos covering most of their skin and everyone quickly looked away ignoring my plight. No one wanted to get involved in trouble especially with the how crowded the hospital was with victims from the fire. My own thoughts were drifting upstairs to where a certain red head victim was all that filled my head as I was taken away from him. 

"This has gone further than what you 'want' and don't want. It is clear that he cannot protect you. Not when you were younger and certainly not now."

There was no warmth in my grandfather's voice. He glared at those who still had some bravery to glance our way. As soon as they met his cold gaze, they ducked their heads and rushed away. I tugged in vain against Mayuzumi's hold on my wrist, but he simply tightened it, and I bit my lip at the pain. Using it I let some of that hurt show in my voice.

"Please Mayuzumi let me go. You know Akashi, you know he loves me, and I love him. Nash is just a crazy bastard. I am safe and happy here please Chiho!"

He flinched as I called his name, and his eyes were pained as he looked down at me as we came to a stop just outside of the doorway.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"Then don't do this! I am married to him! I am not a child that you can me control anymore!"

I was dimly aware of my grandfather telling his men to fetch the car. Two ran off while the other three moved a few steps away, eyes watching those near us and everyone entering or leaving the hospital. I tugged again but Mayuzumi simply tugged me closer, his other hand grabbing my shoulder and giving me a little shake. 

"You got hurt, again. It was just dumb luck that baker found you when he did otherwise you would be long gone. Your luck will run out soon and you will either be in some bastards' hands or dead."

I was shaking my head and pushed against his chest. I didn't want to listen too to him. 

"I don't care. I am not going. Let me go!"

I lashed out going for his eyes, but he knew my moves, had trained me himself so he simply grabbed my other wrist and pinned them behind my back holding me close. I kicked at his shins, he grunted as my feet connected but didn't let me go.

"I am not going! Let me go now! Help me! Kiyoshi! Aomine! Somone!"

"Stop making a scene!"

Mayuzumi shifted me so I was facing outwards, he still held my arms behind my back. My grandfather loomed above us.  

"Or what? I am not coming with you. I will not go back to the Kuroko household. That is your home, not mine. Mine is with Akashi, I am his husband!"

"You will come with me. We are leaving this place far behind. That mercenary bastard has shown he will stop at nothing, break all the rules to destroy the Akashi household and I will not allow the last of my blood to go down with them. We will simply annul the marriage; it is not hard."

There was a sharp twinge in my chest as I heard the pain in his voice, the pain he had been holding for years from the loss of his, no, our family members. I knew that all he was trying to do was keep me safe, but this was too far. Taking me away from my home, from the man I loved the family and friends I had and held dear to my heart. After seven years apart we were back together again only for Nash to rear his ugly head and bring it all crashing back down again. My sorrow and fear of the thought of being taken away from Akashi began to turn into a hot rage. I swallowed it down and tried to remain calm as I looked up into my grandfather's eyes that were just like mine. 

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