Chapter 2

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"Are you going out again Mr Kuroko?"

I forced a smile on my face and nodded at the security guard. He looked a bit torn about wanting to say something and I sighed, realising what had happened.

"Mayuzumi asked you to keep an eye on me, didn't he?"

"I'm sorry sir."

I sighed and rubbed my face. 

"Look, I am going to a friends place and getting a taxi, nothing to worry about. If you have to report back tell him I have my phone, he can find me or contact me with that."

He bowed his head, still looking uncomfortable but I just walked out and into the taxi I had called earlier. I knew why Mayuzumi was they way he was but it still chaffed some times. I wished for simpler days, when I could just go wherever I pleased without an escort but those days were long gone, along with my mother who had made it possible. 

I got out of the taxi when we had reached the town club scene. There were well dressed people out on the street, laughing and drinking everywhere. Walking past some alleyways I noticed movement but didn't look. I knew what went on in these streets after dark. Some women called out to me from across the road, a brothel but I just shook my head and continued on for the club I was looking for. There were quite a few people lined up outside where a bouncer stood guard in front of a red door. I ignored the line and walked up to the bouncer who beamed when he saw me. 

"Little Kuroko! It's been ages since I've seen you."

I let the large man embrace me and kiss my cheek. 

"Somehow master knew you would be coming tonight, he saved your usual seat. He amazes me how he knows these things. Off you go but I want to see you in my break so make sure you don't leave before then!"

I waved at him and headed inside, hearing those lining up complain but the bouncer just growled at them

"When you are friends with the owner than you too can skip the line, until then shut your traps and wait patiently!"

I waved and nodded to the workers who knew me and they called out to me or ran up and kissed my cheek like the bouncer. I smiled at them all, feeling a weight coming off my chest. It was nice to come here and just be me. I continued through the club until I came to another door, this one was red as well but made of leather. The bouncer let me though, knowing me as well and this time he gave me a wink.

"Good shows tonight, you picked a great time to come."

Walking through this door, the atmosphere changed drastically. It was like the air was charged with sexual electricity and even the lighting and the music turned intimate. It was still busy here but now a lot of the people were paired up and scantily clad. Some had on collars and others wore leather. It was a BDSM club. I glanced at the stage and saw that it was being set up for the next show, I would get a drink and see if anything would interest me. 

Just like from the room before the workers all greeted me. I headed to the bar and the man behind it. He was my age with brown hair and eyes and the brightest smile I had ever seen. That beaming smile was directed to me as I slid into my usual seat in the corner and he walked over, sliding an already made drink in front of me.

"Jake on the door radioed ahead to see you were coming."

"Nothing gets past you does it Ogiwara?"

The owner and bartender of the club just smiled but then it faded a little.

"I knew you would come tonight, after all, you come every year. I changed the schedule and who is rostered on tonight too."

My heart was in my throat as my friend slid a program over to me. Sure enough everything was pretty tame. I knew that most times the shows were a bit more intense, tonight though was just a little bit of bondage and sensual play. No punishments or whipping. I unconsciously started rubbing my chest and he reached out to grab my hand.

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