Chapter 19

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I didn't want to wake up. The pain that made itself known to me made me groan and bury my face into the pillow. I wanted to slip back into sweet, sweet unconsciousness, at least there I could dream of happier things, at least there I didn't feel every bruise. I realised I would not be able to get back to sleep and I really needed a shower, I was still disgusting after Nash's 'fun' last night. I sat up slowly, hissing in pain and hobbled to the bathroom to get cleaned up. The hot water was a blessing on my poor bruised and ravaged body. He had not been gentle and I had fought back. I was not going to let him just have is way with me after kidnapping me, but it did mean that he hurt me even more. I felt a tear trickled down my cheek. I wanted to be free of him. For so long it felt like I was stuck under his thumb. Ever since he first set eyes on me, so many years ago he has haunted me. Would I ever be free of him?

After cleaning up I put on the ridiculously short silk robe, no other clothes were given to me.

"Why should I clothe you? You are only here to entertain me with your body, nothing more."

Those were the words Nash had spoken when I had asked for my clothes back when he had walked in with an armful of these skimpy robes. It was either this, or I was naked so I chose the lesser of two evils. Not that it offered me much protection, he could easily strip me when he wanted and I was thankful the room was heated otherwise I would have gotten frost bite for sure. 

I grabbed the first aid kit and got to applying ointment to my wounds. He had split my lip yesterday when I had gotten a lucky hit in on him. Now he usually tied me arms up, sometimes my legs as well. However gone were the 'soft' bindings from before, he used rope that left me with burns and bruises when I struggled against them.

"I would love to put that lotion on your body."

I glared at Haizaki who was leaning against the door way, eyes roving over my scantily clad body.

"What if I said, sure? Touch me? Nash would have you killed where you stand if he beat his man up for simply seeing me naked."

I had been in this secluded inn for a few days now and Nash hadn't been lying. No one else but he and his men where here and there were mountains and forest all around us. I couldn't be seen or heard by anyone who might be able to save me. I wasn't allowed out of my room unless Nash or Silver were with me. Not that I would have any energy to go anywhere anyway, Nash spent a lot of time here with me. My meals were brought to me and that was when the incident had occurred. I had come out of the bathroom, naked when one of Nash's men had been seen me, he had brought me my lunch. He ogled my body and that's when Nash appeared and beaten him senseless before raping me on the blood covered ground. He got off on my pain and fear.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't heard Haizaki move until he ran a hand through me hair. I slapped his hand away and stepped back but he lunged forward, gripping my hair in his fist, yanking my head back.

"Nash and his little guard dog can't be here all the time and when they are gone, when he tires of you I will have you back where you belong, warming my bed."

I spat at his face, grinning as I watched it slide down his cheek.

"You will never touch me again."

He raised his hand and I clenched my eyes shut, waiting for the blow but it never came. Instead he pulled me into his chest, his mouth beside my ear.

"You will regret that, Kuroko."

He left the room and I was hit with a wave of fear so strong that my knees buckled and I sunk to the ground. I played at being strong but in reality I was scared. I wept at night, praying that Akashi would save me but at the same time wishing he would stay miles away from Nash. I didn't want him in danger, I knew Nash still wanted to hurt him.

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