Chapter 28

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I clung to my father as we ran through the dark halls, his bare feet making very little noise on the floor, or maybe he was but I couldn't hear it over the shouting and gun fire that echoed in the night around us. 

"Keep up Chihiro!"

I looked over my fathers shoulder to see a young boy with silver hair running behind us. He kept glancing behind us, checking for pursuers. When he saw me staring at him he smiled. It wasn't very convincing but I could tell he was trying to cheer me up.

"It's okay Tetsuya, we are almost at the safe room."

Suddenly my father cursed and we skidded to a stop. I went to turn my head to see what would make my normally cheerful father swear and have such a look on his face when small delicate hands covered my eyes.

"Don't look," my mother said. 

I was placed on the ground and Mayuzumi wrapped an arm around my shoulder, keeping me warm since I was only dressed in my pyjamas after being pulled out of my bed in the dead of the night. My parents were talking in hushed voices, arguing before my father stood up, grabbing his gun out and kissed my mother deeply.

"I will buy you time to get inside. Help is on the way."

She grabbed my fathers hand where it rested on her cheek, eyes bright with tears she refused to let fall.

"I love you."

Mayuzumi stepped forward.

"I'll stay and help."

"No Chihiro, you have to look after my family for me okay?"

He pulled the young trembling boy into his arms and squeezed him tightly. Then he was kneeling before me. I looked over at my mother and friend who both looked like they were about to cry.

"Dad, what's going on?"

"They are blocking the way, I need to get them to chase me so that you guys can get to the room. You need to be strong now, your a Kuroko and an Aida but that isn't what defines you. Look after your mother and follow your heart. You're a brave and caring young man and I wish I could see you grow up."

"You don't think you're going to make it, do you?"

The moon appeared from behind the clouds and I looked into his kind brown eyes and the mouth we both shared pressed into a thin line. He forced himself to smile before pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"I love you Tetsuya. Be strong."

"No dad, don't do this!"

 I lunged for him but my mother stopped me. 

"Go!" He roared as he charged out and we ran for the building, ignoring the gun fight behind us. We made it into the safe room and Mayuzumi went  straight to the computer, looking through the security cameras, trying to find my father, my mother standing with him. Whatever they saw had her telling me to turn around, to not look. I obeyed but that didn't raise there was a mirror and I could see what they were watching. 

My father, bleeding on the ground, a blonde man standing above him. What followed next would haunt me for years to come as the blonde man cut, sliced and mangled my fathers body and I could see him screaming in pain.

I blinked and suddenly it was the current me on the ground and Nash stood above me. He smirked and drove the knife down towards me.

I jerked awake and almost fell off the chair. I looked at my hands. Normal. I wasn't a child. Then I looked at the computer, at what I had been reading before falling asleep. It was the information that Riko had given me. We had both realised there had been some connection between Nash and the people responsible for my fathers death, the skills they both had were too similar to be coincidence. The Aida's had discovered that Nash's group had absorbed those that had attacked us but this new information showed it was a bigger connection than that.

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