Chapter 7

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I couldn't get that smug look out of my mind, or the feel of his hands on my body.

After storming out after brunch I went over to the kindy, it was closed, being a weekend but I wanted to set out the next weeks activities and meal plans. I tried to keep him out of my mind and concentrated on what I loved but it didn't take too long, one of the workers had already drawn out a rough draft for the week and it just needed a bit of tweaking and the shopping for the food took even less time so when I finally looked at heading home it was only mid afternoon. 

As I walked into my large and empty apartment I was suddenly hit with a wave of loneliness. I knew it was silly, I had my close friends, those that I thought of as family but coming home to this place, alone, today of all days just felt like a shot to the heart. It was so large, Souji had not skimped on any part of it however, it was almost too big for just one person. Mayuzumi was busy with work today, meetings now that the heir of the Akashi group had returned. I cursed under my breath as I found my thoughts turning back to the red head I had spent the afternoon trying to forget but I couldn't. 

He was a force of nature, I had known that from the very start. If he wanted something, he got it. Looking back on the time we had spent I didn't feel sad when I thought of him anymore, that part had been true when I had told Momoi. I felt mad, so angry but I had lied when I told her it was at him, I was mad at myself because when I saw him at that party, and when he touched me today I had wanted more. I had wanted to kiss him, to have him lead me back to his bed and make me feel like I had so long ago. I had tried dating after he left, had been with a few people but none of them had ever compared to him. There had been no spark but today, after seven years one touch had me tingling all over.

I hated myself for it. 

I lay down on the couch and pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts. I didn't want to be alone in case I did something stupid. I saw uncles name and shook my head, he would spend time with me but I would just see his son when I looked at him. It had taken me a long time not to feel a tightness in my chest when I spent time with him after Akashi had left me. Kagami was spending time with his daughter, it was a rare day off for him and they needed some father daughter time, all the others were couples and were spending the day with their loved ones. 

I got off the couch and grabbed my jacket, I would go to the bar and spend some time with Ogiwara, I didn't want to be alone feeling the way I was and I couldn't stay here. 

He knew instantly that something was wrong but didn't press me for any information, he had simply told his workers to set up without him and grabbed my arm, leading me to the back for an early dinner. We talked about our mutual friends, the shows we watched and what else I had done for my birthday. It was getting about time for him to head back and open up for the night when he finally lent forward, face serious.

"So, do you want to explain why you look like someone shot your dog when you walked in here today?"

I instantly felt that deep sadness and longing once again and he patted my hand where it was knotted into a fist on the table between us.

"Akashi is back in town."

"Yea, I know," he said, eye brow raised in confusion.

"I saw your uncle here last night remember? And i thought you had long since gotten over when his son"- he stopped mid sentence as he realised who I meant.

"Oh, he is back?"

I nodded and Ogiwara made a face before plonking a can of soft drink in front of me. 

"What's this?"

"If that is the case, you are not drinking tonight."

"Hey! That's not fair!"

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