Chapter 27

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Nash was here, in the city and he was watching me. Mayuzumi and Akashi moved as soon as I showed them the texts and I sent Aomine out to stay by Kise's side. He had threatened my friends before, I was not going to let them get hurt because of me ever again. They sent some men to also watch over Ogiwara, Momoi and Murasakibara. Nash had Haizaki by his side so he knew all about who I loved and where they lived, what they did. I called Kagami myself and he promised that he was going to get a squad to go around to his and his fathers place. It was hard, this tightrope I walked, with Akashi's life one one side and Kagami's on the other. I suppose the fact that I had said yes to Akashi meant that I would always be living this way but I didn't care, I would love him for as long as I could and would keep my friends and family safe even if it meant stretching the truth or breaking the law.

I ended up falling asleep on the couch watching Akashi as he made numerous phone calls and the sound of men coming and going. When I woke up it was morning, I was in my bed and Akashi was no where to be seen.

I found his note to me on the bench beside a plate of pancakes and I read it while I made a cup of coffee.

I am going out to see if I can track him down. I won't tell you to stay in the house but please stay safe. Call me if anything happens. I love you.

My heart warmed at the words. At the fact that he was working for this time to be different. He wasn't going to lock me up even though I knew that is what he wanted to do. He had changed in the years we had been apart. 

I made to lunch before I got bored. I had done all the work I could do from home, Aomine was still by Kise's side and Kiyoshi and Mayuzumi were busy with security. I was contemplating calling Momoi to see if she had any more work for me when my phone rang. It was Ogiwara.

"Hey how are you Kuroko?"

"Good it's odd for you to be calling this early I thought you would still be in bed."

"Um yea. Can you talk or are you busy with work?"

I straightened up from where I was slumped on the couch. I got up, smiling at Mayuzumi and mouthing that it was Ogiwara. The silver haired man nodded before going back to his own phone conversation and I headed out the door. I walked a few paces to where I was out of ear shot.

"Okay go ahead. What news? Nash is in town or at least his men are and they are watching me."

"That explains why she is here."

My heart thumped in my chest as the words clanged in.

"So Nash is in town then. Otherwise she wouldn't be back in town."

"She tracked him here and wants to see you. Can you meet?"

"It will be hard. Have her go to the cafe at the company building. I will meet her there."

I hung up the phone and bit my lip. I knew that they would let me go there but the problem was Mayuzumi. If I took him with me there was a chance that he would recognise her and she told me she wasn't ready to see him. Not until she fulfilled her vow. So I turned away from out little house and walked towards the main household. I found Kasamatsu and had him gather Kiyoshi and another two men. The only way they were going to let me out was if I took a significant guard, no matter where it was I was going. Kiyoshi met me outside and I could tell he felt nervous.

"Did Akashi tell you not to let me out?"

I could order him to take me, he would follow my orders over Akashi's since he was blood sworn to me but I didn't want to become that person. Thankfully my fears were eased as he shook his head.

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