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Natasha is sitting at the desk in the study, flipping through one of her grimoires. Jenna leans against the doorway, arms crosses, a fond smile across her face

Natasha: May I help you, Love?

Jenna: Nothing, baby. You look cute when you're doing whatever it is you're doing.

She walks into the room and around the desk, giving her a kiss on top of her head

Jenna: You want anything to drink?

Natasha: I could go for a cup of tea, darling

Jenna playfully bows her head

Jenna: At once, my lady

Natasha chuckles, rolling her eyes watching her leave the room. Her phone rings and she grabs it, answering it

Klaus: Natasha! It's your favorite brother!

Natasha: Kol?

Klaus: I'm offended at that comment, sister

Natasha: What do you want, Nik?

Klaus: Why do you think I need something from you? Perhaps I wanted to talk to my favorite sibling who I love with all my heart.

Natasha: Niklaus, you only call when you need something. What is it you need?

Klaus: Have you found anything on why my hybrids keep dying?

Natasha: I am looking through my grimoires for an answer. I will find one soon.

Klaus: I will be expecting you call, sister

Natasha hangs up and sighs, placing her head in her hands. Jenna enters holding a cup of tea and places it down on the desk.

Jenna: What's wrong?

Natasha: I cannot find out why Nik's hybrids keep dying on him. I am worthless.

Jenna grabs her hand and stands her up to her feet, hooking her finger under her chin raising her head up to look at her

Jenna: You're not worthless, doll.

Natasha lets a lone tear roll down her cheek. Jenna uses her thumb and wipes the tear away

Jenna: You'll find the answer and you are not worthless to me. You're my everything.

Natasha looks at her and presses her lips to Jenna's. Jenna cups her face in her hands kissing her back, grabbing her hips and lifts her up in her arms. Natasha wraps her arms and legs around her body as Jenna vamps her against the wall, they move their lips passionately against one another. Natasha runs her hands through Jenna's hair

Jenna: God you're so pretty, baby girl.

She kisses down her jawline to her neck.

Natasha: You're so beautiful.

She tilts her head to the side and a small moan escapes her lips. Jenna slips her hand under her shirt

Natasha: You're setting me on fire, my love.

Jenna moves her lips back up to her lips

Jenna: I love you, my sexy vampire

Natasha: I love you too, my love.

Natasha And JennaWhere stories live. Discover now