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Jenna is peppering kisses all over the side of Natasha's face while trailing her fingers up and down her arm.

Jenna: Time to wake up, baby

Natasha: Five more minutes.

Jenna chuckles and smirks, getting an idea. She crawls down between Natasha's legs and spreads them apart.

She dives in latching her lips to her folds and begins swirling her tongue around making Natasha gasps jolting her eyes open.

Natasha: J-Jenna!

Jenna: I wanted my breakfast so lie back and enjoy the show.

She swirls her tongue around the clit, sucking on it pulling it with her teeth, slamming her fingers in and out making Natasha arch her back, moaning loudly

Jenna: You going to cum? Cum for mommy. Mommy's good girl, aren't you?

She wraps her lips around the clit again, pulling on it making Natasha throw her head back and scream in pleasure.

Natasha rolls her eyes to the back of her head gushing her juices out all over Jenna's face.

Jenna: Mmm--mmm-hmm. You taste so delicious, baby girl.

Natasha only moans weakly, eyes closed. Jenna smirks and leans down peppering kisses over her neck then lifts her chin with her finger kissing her lips

Natasha: I love you

Jenna: I love you, my sexy vampire.


Caroline unlocks the door and walks inside the house.

Caroline: Oh my God!

She looks around seeing Tyler tied up to a chair in the middle of the living room, beaten and bloodied. His shirt ripped open

Natasha claps her hands together

Natasha: Ah you made it. I've come with a warning

Caroline screams as Tyler raises his head up showing his beaten and bruised face

Etched into his chest is "Bring me Stefan"

A bloody knife is laid out on the floor.


Jenna makes her way inside the Grill and spots Elena and Damon standing in front of Klaus and approaches them

Elena: J-Jenna, what are you----

Damon: Shut up, Elena. You don't get to talk.

Jenna: So it was your idea for Mikael to use me, wasn't it?

Elena: What? No I didn't know. I swear I didn't. Jenna, please believe me.

Jenna: That thing, Elena.........I don't.

Klaus: Now where was I? Oh yes. I might fancy a home here. Oh I imagine you're wondering how does this is affect you. The answer is: not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want and everyone behaves themselves you can go on living your little lives however you choose. You have my word.

Elena: What more could you possibly want?

Jenna: You can tell us where Stefan is

Damon: We don't know where my stupid ass brother is.

Jenna: That's a shame

She grabs a dart and throws it, hitting the bullseye.

Jenna: He and Tyler started something they really shouldn't. Such a shame. Caroline found out what happened when you piss me off

Elena: Jenna, what did you do-----Caroline---

Jenna: Oh she learned first hand what's going to happen to her hybrid boyfriend.

Klaus: Your brother stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what's mine.

Jenna: You?

Klaus: You know what I meant, sister in law

Elena: That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem.

Jenna moves closer towards Elena who looks at her with tears streaming down her face.

Jenna: This is us broadening the scope, Elena.

Klaus; Oh Caroline may want to spend as much time as she can with Tyler cause sooner or later, he's going to die.

Jenna: Yeah, he's definitely going to die

Damon: Eh! Who gives a shit? No one would miss that hybrid douche anyway.


Jenna: Did you find them yet?

Natasha: Darling, if I had........I would have said so!

Jenna: Don't take that tone with me, doll.

Natasha: Stefan Salvatore had someone cloak them! If they're cloaked then I need to be in the room to uncloak them which means we're finding them the hard way

Jenna: The hard way it is then, babe.

She notices tears forming in Natasha's eyes, she raises her hand and cups her face in her hands, rubbing her thumbs up and down her cheeks.

Jenna: Hey. Hey. Don't cry. We'll find them. I promise.


Tyler is sitting on a stump, drinking; Jeremy shows up behind him, aiming at him with a crossbow.

Tyler: Don't do it, Jeremy.

Jeremy: Why not? You stabbed me in the back and you nearly got Jenna killed!

Tyler: She brought that on herself! She's the enemy now, Jeremy. Why can't you see that?

Jeremy: She's my family, asshole!! Is that why you wanted to hang out? To get me off the vervain?

Tyler: Klaus started this. I'm only finishing it.

Jeremy: What did you think was going to happen?

Tyler: Jenna doesn't care about you anymore.

Jeremy shoots; Tyler catches the arrow between his fingertips

Tyler: Why you little shit. How dare you?!!

Jeremy: Next time you put my family in danger, I'll kill you myself.

He turns around and begins leaving

Tyler: Go home, Jeremy. I'm nowhere near done.

Jeremy: Oh go fuck yourself!


Natasha is in the kitchen doing dishes; Jenna walks into the kitchen

Jenna: You're doing dishes?

Natasha: I clean when I'm stressed. It calms me.

Jenna moves closer behind her wrapping her arms around her waist, resting her chin on her shoulder.

Jenna: It's gonna be okay.

Natasha: I know.

Jenna kisses her on the cheek

Jenna: I love you, baby

Natasha: I love you too, darling.

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