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Jenna opens the door and walks inside, taking her shoes off and places them beside the door. She slings her jacket off and places her purse on the table beside the door.

Jenna: Nat? Baby?

She walks into the parlor but Natasha's not there

Jenna: Cupcake? Where are you?

She walks through the kitchen out onto the patio and finds Natasha swimming in the pool. The heretic climbs up out of the pool in a red bikini, water dripping off her body.

Jenna: Hot damn.

Natasha grabs a towel and begins running it through her hair, Jenna walks up behind her wrapping her arms around her waist and kisses her cheek

Natasha: Darling.

Jenna: Well hello to you too, darling. You look sexy as hell.

Natasha: Why thank you

She drops the towel and turns around to face her

Natasha: Why don't you head upstairs and put yours?

Jenna smiles, cupping her face in her hands kissing her passionately.

Jenna: I got a better idea

Natasha: Oh? What is that, my love?

Jenna smirks, grabbing her shirt and lifts it over her head throwing it on the chair and unclips her bra then unzips her jeans sliding them down her legs kicking them off and leaps into the pool

Jenna: Take off that pesky bikini and join me, baby

Natasha smiles, taking off her bikini. Jenna licks her lips eyeing her naked body as Natasha slowly climbs into the pool swimming up to her throwing her arms around her neck

They stare into each other's eyes with loving looks. They smash their lips together, moving lower into the water.

Natasha: I love you

Jenna: I love you more, my sexy vampire.


Caroline and Tyler are sitting at a table

Caroline: Something's up with your mother.

Tyler: Like what?

Caroline: When I was over yesterday she just kept eyeing me.

Jeremy: Hey guys!

Caroline: Did Matt make you switch sections?

Jeremy just shrugs his shoulders.

Tyler: How's Jenna the traitor doing?

Jeremy: The fuck you'd say?

Tyler: Traitor, that's what I said. I mean she's living with the sister of the man who killed your sister, right? Thus she's a traitor

Jeremy: Say another word about Jenna and I swear to God, I will fucking kill you!

Caroline: Jeremy!

Jeremy: You know what? Go fuck yourself, Caroline. You two deserve each other, pick me bitch!

He marches away. Caroline has tears in her eyes

Tyler: Don't listen to him, baby. We're the good guys, remember?


Natasha is in the kitchen cooking over the stove. Jenna walks in and hands her a black velvet box.

Natasha: What's this?

Jenna: Happy Anniversary

Natasha: But it's not our Anniversary, my love. Is it? Did I---

Jenna: Ok it's not. I just wanted to spoil my beautiful fiancé. Open it

Natasha opens the box revealing a beautiful diamond engagement ring. She gasps as Jenna grabs the ring and slides it on her finger

Jenna: Now it's official. I had it spelled to where if you ever in trouble, all you have to do is think of me and press the J on the side, it'll light up and my ring

She shows her matching ring with the Mikaelson emblem on it

Jenna: Will light up and I'll come running. It works both ways.

Natasha: I love it. Thank you, darling

Jenna: Anything for you, Nat. I lo---

Natasha's phone rings, she takes it out of her purse and walks out of the kitchen answering the call

Natasha: What do you want, Niklaus? I'm busy.

Klaus: What is my favorite sibling doing?

Natasha: I'm cooking and spending time with my fiancé. What about you?

Klaus: We found the werewolf Ray and his friends aren't being helpful so Stefan is currently tearing them to pieces. I would love to see you and no, not because of your magic. I would love to see my sister who I love dearly.

Natasha: Sounds appealing, Nik. I'll consider it. Talk to you soon

Klaus: I love you, sister

Natasha: I love you too

She hangs up and walks back to the kitchen where Jenna has taken over the cooking part. The couple stands beside each other

Jenna: So you think there's way we could have kids? Have us a family?

Natasha: There's always a way. Do you want children with me?

Jenna: Of course I do, baby. Our kids will be beautiful and smart just like you.

Natasha's eyes wells up with happy tears

Natasha: I love you, Jenna

Jenna: I love you too, Natasha.

She kisses her on the forehead.

Natasha and Jenna are going to have kids and Tyler's the villain of the story.

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