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Elena opens the door and walks into her bedroom as Rose is sitting up, rubbing her eyes, the blanket covering her body

Elena: I didn't want to wake you

Rose: It's fine, darling. How about we go somewhere today? Chicago? The beach? New York? We'll make a weekend out of it. Just me and you.

Elena: I'm going to Denver to pick Jeremy up. I really want to through

Rose nods her head

Rose: Okay. I should be heading home

She leans over grabbing her shirt and slides it over her body then slides her skirt up her legs. 

She walks towards the door when Elena grabs her arm pulling her back cupping her face and kisses her passionately. Rose melts into the kiss, smiling into it.

Elena: Rain check, okay?

Rose: Okay

She pecks her on the lips then leaves the room. 


Jenna open the door and slowly walks into the room. Natasha is sleeping on her stomach cuddled up with a pillow. She groans rolling over on her back

Natasha: Jenna, darling, if you do not let me sleep.......I will curse you. 

Jenna: It's time to get up, doll. It's eight in the morning. 

She walks over to the bed. Natasha glares at her

Natasha: Time does not apply to us, my love. You have two choices and that's it

Jenna: Oh, what would that be?

Natasha: Leave. Or get in with me. Cuddle with me while I sleep for one more hour.

Jenna nods her head and climbs into the bed beside her, Natasha places her head on her chest while Jenna wraps her arm around her. 

Natasha: Do not wake me

Jenna: I learned that lesson last time. 

She watches her as she cuddles up to her chest and falls asleep. Jenna runs her fingers through her hair, smiling a loving smile. She kisses her on the forehead. 


Klaus and Rose walks into the house and makes their way down into the cellar

Rose: This is so depressing, isn't it?

Klaus: Yes, this is quite depressing, little sister.

Rose holds up one of the white oak stakes

Rose: Oh I found one of your pesky white oak stakes, Ripper. I believe there's one more, right?

Klaus: Yes, by our count, you have one more

Stefan: Well, then you won't know the location of the other stake.

Klaus: We can live with that.

Stefan: Well, I can't. When we staked Finn, we discovered that killing an Original vampire killed its entire bloodline. Now, I don't know which one of you I'm descended from, but I'd really rather not find out by dying, so why don't we just find the stake, destroy it, so we can all be safe?

Rose: So the fate of the entire vampire species depends on you finding said stake? To get it, we need you to pass out. Which means I am more then happy doing this

She vamp speeds towards Alaric and snaps his neck

Rose: There. Sleeping like a baby. 


Rebekah: How are you dying? I thought Ayana preserved your body with a spell.

Esther: She did. I'm drawing my power from the Bennett witch line. When Abby died the connection was severed. So my body has weakened.

Rebekah: Well, if you've come to spend your last moments with your loving daughter, prepare to be disappointed. You should have spent less time plotting my death.

Esther: Is that what you think I've been doing on the other side? I've been looking over you for a thousand years. Of joy and heartbreak. Your fights with Klaus, the nights you cried yourself to sleep calling out my name. Not a day has gone by that I wasn't right there with you.

Rebekah: And yet you still tried to kill me.

Esther: Because it shouldn't have been a thousand years, Rebekah. No one should live that long.

Rebekah: But I haven't lived at all.

Esther: I'm sorry, Rebekah. I'm so, so sorry.

Esther takes Rebekah's hands and starts to shake. She falls to the ground, dead. Rebekah kneels down next to her. 

Natasha and Jenna walks into the room

Jenna: What's going on?

Rebekah: She's dead

Natasha: Oh pity, I wanted to kill her. 


Rose is playing on her phone while Klaus pours himself a drink. Rebekah brings Alaric up from the basement.

Klaus: That's a little gratuitous, don't you think, Stefan? I would have been more gentle.

Rebekah: I'm gonna take him to the caves. You're gonna go inside and fetch me the stake and if you think you're gonna hide, you're wrong.

She pushes Alaric towards the door and leaves.

Klaus: And then there was one. I know about your brother's little mission to Denver. He failed. Not that that's news anymore.

Stefan: So, what are you gonna do now, Klaus? You gonna kill me?

Rose: Well we aren't going to kill Damon. That would piss Elijah off if we harmed his boyfriend but you, I haven't decided. 

Stefan: Aww, sure you have. See you've had every chance and every excuse imaginable to do it, but yet you haven't. Which means you don't want to.

Klaus: You know something, you're right. You see, I'm still waiting for my old friend to come back. By the looks of it, he's just beneath the surface. Waiting to come out and play. Isn't that right, Ripper?

Stefan: I've been fighting that part of myself, thinking that if I repressed it then it would go away. But it won't. And now that I've accepted it, it can't control me. And neither can you. So, unless you're gonna stake me, why don't you get the hell out of my house?

He leaves the room. Rose rolls her eyes and slides her shirt down showing her purple lace bra and snaps a picture. She sends the pic to Elena. 

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