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Jenna is walking along the side of a building, looking down at a nightclub down below. She leaps down landing on her feet gracefully and makes her way inside the club.

She walks through the crowd where Natasha is dancing, waving her arms in the air, eyes closed. Jenna wraps her arms around her and the two begins moving their bodies to the music, roaming their hands over each other's bodies. 

Jenna leans in whispering in her ear hotly

Jenna: You're so sexy. 

She nibbles at her earlobe earning a moan in response. 


Rose is waiting inside Elena's car, playing with her phone. She slides her shirt down her shoulder exposing her green lace bra strap and snaps a picture then sends it to Elena.

The door opens and Elena gets in, slamming the door behind her

Elena: Stop it!

Rose: Whatever do you mean, darling?

Elena: Stop sending me dirty pictures of you. 

Rose simply smirks

Rose: Don't like seeing my glorious body?

Elena: No, I nearly had to run to the bathroom before I made a mess. So stop it sending me those in public. 

Rose: Oh you mean I can still send them?

Elena: Sure. I don't mind seeing that "glorious" body of yours, darling

Rose smiles a adorable smile; Elena's heart skips a beat at the sight of the smile. 


Natasha and Jenna are sitting in a booth; a bottle of whiskey on the table. The couple downs their shots.

Jenna: So, let's just say Sage was killing everyone in 1912. Who the hell is doing it now? I mean it could be a woman. We're just as capable to stab three grown men

Natasha: Men are so sexist, aren't they? 

Jenna: So this Sage, I don't have to worry about her drooling over you, right?

Natasha: God no. She only had eyes for the boring one, Finn and yes, she has red hair and we both know I love red heads.

Jenna raises her eyebrow giving her a look. Natasha giggles, throwing her arms around her neck

Natasha: But you're my red head, my love. 

Jenna: Good answer, baby

They kiss each other. 


Elena is sitting on the couch in the living room; Rose walks into the room placing a cup of tea on the coffee table

Elena: Just say it

Rose: I don't want to. You did break into her apartment even after I said not to.

Elena: I guess----

Rose suddenly lays herself across her lap, laying on her stomach. Elena growls, caressing her rear

She smirks, raising her hand giving Rose a spanking. The blonde squeals. 

Elena: Did you like that? You're not supposed to like it

Rose: Maybe you should spank me harder

Elena: Maybe I will

She slaps her on the rear harder; Rose giggles. 

Elena: Do you like being spanked, naughty girl?

Rose: Yes, I like it very much. 

She sits up and grabs a blanket off the top of the couch and covers both of them up then cuddles up to Elena's side. 

The brunette beauty smiles down at the cute blonde, running her fingers through her hair. 


Natasha is sitting on the couch reading the Gilbert journal in her sleeping clothes. Jenna makes her way downstairs

Natasha: I'm gonna make some coffee

Jenna: No you're not. You're coming up to bed. 

She grabs the journal placing it on the coffee table then grabs her girl's hands standing up and leads her up to the stairs.

Natasha suddenly wraps her arms around her waist burying her head into her chest, Jenna wraps her arms around her, kissing her on the side of the head

Natasha: I love you, Jenna

Jenna: I know and I love you too, baby. 

Natasha And JennaWhere stories live. Discover now