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Elena gasps for air and wakes up. It's morning. Rose is sitting on the end of her bed, watching her. Elena seems confused about what is going on around her.

Elena: Rosie?

Rose: I'm here. I'm here. You've been out for hours

Elena: What happened?

Rose: You were in an accident

Elena: W-what happened?

Jenna slowly makes her way into the room

Jenna: He's fine

Elena: H-how did you-----

Rose: Stefan didn't save you

Jenna: You had vampire blood in your system, Elena. You're in transition

Rose: My blood, darling. You had my blood in your system.

Elena: No, no, no, no! That wasn't supposed to happen!

Jenna: The only thing that matters is you complete the transition or you die

She holds out a glass of blood to Rose who takes it then she leaves the room.

Rose: Drink it, darling.

She smiles warmly as she holds the glass out towards the brunette. Elena exhales sharply taking the glass and raises it to her lips downing it in one gulp completing the transition.

Rose: How do you feel?

Elena doesn't say anything as she grabs the blonde's shirt pulling her closer smashing their lips together, Rose shuts her eyes and throws her arms around her neck moving her lips against hers.

She smiles into the kiss. They pull away leaning their head together

Elena: I love you

Rose: I love you


Natasha close her grimoire as Jenna walks into the parlor

Natasha: Did she do it?

Jenna: Yeah, she completed it. You got the daylight ring ready?

Natasha raises her hand showing a daylight ring in her hand.

Natasha: It's ready, my love.

Jenna: I got an idea

Natasha: What is going through that beautiful head of yours?

Jenna walks closer to her, placing her hands on her hips, smiling while Natasha snakes her arms around her neck

Jenna: When this Council crap is done, let's get married. Let's have our wedding.

Natasha blinks her eyes and gasps

Natasha: W-what?

Jenna: Let's do it. I'm sick and tired of waiting. I want you to be my wife. I want to make it official and make you Natasha Mikaelson-Sommers. What do you say?

Natasha smiles, eyes welling up with tears as she nods her head

Natasha: Yes. Yes. I want nothing more then to be your wife, Jenna

They press their lips together. Jenna cups her face in her hands slowly moving her lips against hers.

Natasha: I love you

Jenna: I love you more, my sexy vampire.


Elena leans down latching her lips around Rose's breast, swirling her tongue around the nipple. Rose inhales sharply, slighting arching her back.

Rose: E-Elena, s-stop. You just transitioned.

Elena: I got all this energy to burn off and now I'm gonna make you mine. I'm gonna fuck you

Rose: You really think you can break me, darling?

Elena: There's only one way to find out, baby girl.

She swirls her tongue around the nipple making Rose bite her bottom lip.

Rose: Fuck!

Elena kisses her way down between the blonde's legs and flicks her tongue against her clit.

Rose: Oh bloody hell!

She grinds her hips against the brunette's face. Elena sucks harshly on the clit, running her tongue up and down. The blonde throws her head back, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she gushes out all over Elena's face.

Elena smirks, sliding her tongue up making the blonde gasp in pleasure. She swirls her tongue then seals her lips around the clit sucking it gently. Rose moans loudly in pleasure, gripping the bedsheets tightly in her fists.

Rose: Oh Elena!

She rolls her eyes back again, coming undone all over again. Elena slowly trails her lips up her chest to her lips, kissing her lovingly.

Rose kisses her back, wrapping her arms and legs around her

Rose(whispers): I love you

Elena: I love you more, baby.


Jenna opens the door and rolls her eyes seeing Pastor Young flanked by two deputies standing there

Young: You're coming with us, Jenna Sommers. Where is Elena?

Jenna: Yeah, we're not going anywhere with you

Young: You can come willingly or I can make you.

He goes to step through the door but trips and falls forward, hitting a barrier, his face scrunches up in a weird manner. The deputies snickers in amusment

Young: What is this? I can't get inside. What did you do?

Jenna: One of many perks of having the smoking hot Original Heretic as my future wife. She can do magic. There's always been barrier spell around our place. She's smart like that. Now beat it

She slams the door right in his face

Young: MY NOSE!!!


Elena and Rose are holding each other in their arms, Rose's head is laid out on Elena's shoulder as the brunette rests her head on top of hers.

They look at each other, Rose pecks her lips.

Rose: Forever and Ever

Elena: Forever and Ever. I love you, Rosie

Rose: I love you too, my darling.


Jenna enters the room and approaches Natasha, taking her face in her hands, brushing her hair out of her face

Jenna: You ready to be Mrs. Natasha Mikaelson-Sommers?

Natasha: I have always been ready since the first time I laid eyes on you, my love.

She leans up pecking her softly on the lips

Natasha: I love you, Jenna

Jenna: I love you more, doll.

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