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Elijah walks into the parlor and rolls his eyes at the sight before him. Natasha in the company of three half naked women with bite marks on their bodies.

Elijah: Come now, Natasha. I thought you agreed to behave.

Natasha lifts her head away from a blonde girl's neck and licks her lips

Natasha: Now now, Elijah. I said no trouble but I said nothing of feeding besides the four of us had a lovely evening.

She wraps her arms around the blonde girl and presses her lips to her neck

Natasha: Have some fun but this one----she's my favorite. I like her.

Elijah: I want you to do what you agreed to. Protect Elena and her friends. And I have notices your late night talks with Jenna. You've taken a liking to her

Natasha: She intrigues me.

Elijah: Be sure to bundle up. It's rather cold out

Natasha rolls her eyes watching him leave the parlor.


The Historical Society's Tea Party has commenced. Elijah, Natasha and Carol are speaking with each other as they sip their tea.

Carol: Have you spent much time in Richmond for your book? There's such a wealth of history there.

Elijah: No, we're focusing mostly on the smaller regions of Virginia.

Natasha: Lots of research. Strictly academic.

Carol: That's fascinating.

Natasha stands up and approaches Jenna, tapping her on the shoulder making the red head turn around

Jenna: Nat, I didn't see you come in.

Natasha: Hello yourself, darling.

Jenna looks her up and down, licking her lips liking what she sees

Jenna: Wow

Natasha: What?

Jenna: Nothing. You look amazing.

Natasha smiles a bright smile, a smile that makes Jenna's heart clench in her chest.


Caroline: How long is this gonna take?

Bonnie: I don't know. He's fighting me.

Luka is moving his head around, fighting the spell. Bonnie's hands are still placed on either side of his head.

Luka: Please stop. Please.

Bonnie closes her eyes and Luka soon follows suit, successfully having been put into a trance.

Bonnie: There. All right. Why are you working with Elijah?

Luka: Klaus. We both want him dead.

Bonnie: You want to kill Klaus, too. Why?

Luka: Because he has her and we have to get her away from him.

Bonnie: Who...who are you talking about?

Luka: My sister.

Jeremy: His sister?

Bonnie: Why does he have her?

Luka: He's searching for a way to undo the curse without the doppelgänger. He's forced generations of witches to help him for centuries.

Bonnie: What has Elijah promised you?

Luka: If we help Elijah kill Klaus, he's promised to return her to us.

Bonnie: And how do you kill Klaus? How do you kill an Original vampire?

Luka starts to fight the spell again.

Luke: She'll kill me if I tell you! Don't make me!

Jeremy: It's okay, Bonnie. We can find another way.

Bonnie: No. [She puts Luka back in a trance.] How will you kill Klaus?

Luka: After the sacrifice, Klaus will be vulnerable, weak. It's our only chance.

Caroline: After the sacrifice?

Bonnie: What do you mean, after?

Luka: Klaus will be vulnerable.

Bonnie: But Elena will be dead.

Luka: Yes. Elena has to die.

Caroline: This Ashley? Why does she work for Elijah? What's her role in this?

Luke: No! She'll kill me, please! Please! She'll kill my family! Don't make me tell you!

Bonnie: Who is Ashley to Elijah? Why is she working for him?

Luka: She wants to help Klaus break his curse, that's why she's working with Elijah

Bonnie: Why does she want to break the curse?

Luka: Because she's working with..........Klaus.

Jeremy: Why? Who is she to them?

Luka: what her family calls her. She's Natasha, the Original Heretic.


Jenna is at the dining room table, writing a paper. Her phone goes off and she answers it.

Jenna: There you are. Are you OK?

Natasha walks inside her mansion and kicks her shoes off

Natasha: Yes I'm fine, darling. I'm sorry. I'm a bitch

Jenna: It's okay. I'm just glad you're good.

Natasha: Do you want to have dinner with me tomorrow?

Jenna: Are you asking me out on a date?

Natasha: Yes. Yes I am. Is that a yes?

Jenna: Not just a yes but a hell yes.

Natasha: Good night, darling

Jenna: Good night, Nat

Natasha And JennaWhere stories live. Discover now