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A black sports car pulls up outside the Gilbert house. A beautiful woman gets out, sunglasses over her eyes and a Prada handbag slung over her wrist. She approaches the door and knocks.

Jeremy opens the door

Natasha: I was told Elijah Smith is here. I'm his partner.

Jeremy: Um, y-yeah. He's here. Come in.

Natasha enters inside the house as Jeremy closes the door behind him. She looks around using her vamp hearing and hears her brother upstairs.

She makes her way upstairs and down the hallway

Elijah: Klaus is the most feared and hated of the Originals, but those that fear him are desperate for his approval. If word gets out that the doppelgänger exists, there'll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him and I can't have that.

Natasha: Klaus is not the most fear. There is another one

The door opens up and Natasha walks inside the room. Elijah tenses up.

Natasha smirks at the reaction as she looks around the room

Natasha: You have a lovely home. I'm Ashley, one of Elijah's witches.

Elena: You said Klaus isn't the most feared of the Originals. Who is?

Natasha: Her name is Natasha and she is by far the most ruthless. She has destroyed entire kingdoms in a single night and left nothing but ashes. I leave you to ponder my words while Elijah explains his plan to kill Klaus

Elijah's eyes widens in shock as Natasha walks back downstairs. She reaches for the door but stops when she hears someone humming in the kitchen. She slowly makes her way towards the sound and enters the kitchen seeing the back of a red headed woman standing at the counter humming a tune

Jenna turns around and the two locks eyes. Natasha tilts her head to the side feeling her magic twirling around inside her.

Jenna: Um..........who are you?

Natasha: Oh pardon me. I'm Ashley. I work with Elijah. Your nephew invited me.

Jenna: Oh, I'm Jenna. Wonderful to meet you.

Natasha: Likewise, darling.

Jenna trails her eyes up and down Natasha's body, a sly smirk etched on her lips.

Natasha: Since I am new to town, perhaps you could show me around sometime?

Jenna: I'd like that. Do you want to leave me your number?

Natasha grabs a piece of paper and writes her number down and hands it to Jenna. She smiles turning around and heads for the door.

Jenna eyes her rear swaying side to side, she bites her lower lip

Jenna: Very nice. Mama likes. Mama really likes.

Natasha And JennaWhere stories live. Discover now