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Natasha is leaving the Grill, digging through her purse for her car keys when she bumps into someone.

Natasha: I'm sorry. I wasn't---

Lexi: Hiya my little cupcake.

Natasha looks up and gasps, seeing Lexi smiling standing right in front of her

Natasha: Alexis?

Lexi: Hey baby

Natasha: H-how are you here?

Lexi: I have no idea but----

Um, do you two know each other?

Jenna approaches them, looking between both of them, jaw clenching as Lexi smirks interlinking her and Natasha's hands together

Lexi: She was the love of my life but that's a story for another time. We need to go and I need that sexy witch brain of yours, cupcake.

Natasha: We can take my car and I need to pick up my grimoire from the mansion.

They walk towards her car as Jenna lets out a scoff and rolls her eyes.


Stefan is tied to a chair in the basement cell sleeping with his head bowed. Elena, Natasha and Lexi are looking at him.

Lexi: Klaus really did a number on him, huh?

Elena: He compelled him to turn off his humanity.

Lexi: Can't you uncompel him, sweet thing?

Natasha: I could but frankly I don't want to. Besides Niklaus would just do it all over again. Vicious cycle, darling. While you handle this, I'm gonna look for a way to keep you here.

She pulls her grimoire out of her bag

Lexi: Well, we're just going to have to convince him to turn it back on. I have to warn you, it's not going to be pretty.

Elena: I can handle it.

Natasha: You say that now.

Lexi kicks Stefan hard.

Lexi: Wake up, sleepyhead. How you feelin'?

Stefan looks at the chair and the chains and struggles with the restraints.

Stefan: What is this? Let me out of here!

Lexi: Shh. Inside voices, please. I'm trying to get inside your head.

Stefan: Elena. Get rid of her, please.

Elena: No.

Lexi: First step, drying him out. Starve away the blood lust. Strip away the temptation.

Stefan: This isn't going to work, Lexi. You can't do this.

Lexi: You heard the not pretty part?

Elena: I heard you.

Lexi leans in front of him and looks Stefan in the eyes.

Stefan: What are you doing?

He suddenly starts growling in pain. His arms and hands start to desiccate.

Stefan: What are you doing, Lexi?!

Lexi: Doing what I do best, sweetness. I'm saving your life.

Natasha: If he's going to scream like a baby then I'm going to put my headphones in.

She places her headphones over her ears and goes back to reading her spellbook.


She takes her headphones out

Natasha: I told you, darling

Lexi drives a stake through his body then pulls it out.

Lexi: Think of it as a regimen. Day in and day out. Like running the treadmill. Like making coffee. Until he's ready to be saved.

Stefan: I will rip you apart, Lexi!

Natasha flicks her wrist snapping his neck.

Lexi: What the hell, Nat?!!

Natasha: His voice was annoying me and I couldn't find a way for you to stay.

Lexi: I'm happy we got this chance. We never got a chance to say goodbye.

Natasha: I know. I'm happy I have that chance now.

Lexi: I watched you when you got here. Jenna's good for you. You look great together.

Natasha chuckles, her eyes shining with tears. Lexi cups her face in her hands, rubbing her thumbs over her cheeks.

Lexi: Are you happy?

Natasha: Yes. I'm happy.

Lexi kisses her on the forehead

Lexi: Goodbye, Natasha. I love you

She disappears and Natasha sighs sadly

Natasha: Goodbye.


Natasha enters the mansion, eyes red from crying. Jenna walks out from the living room and sees her.

Jenna: Hey, you okay, baby?

Natasha nods her head and buries herself into Jenna's chest who wraps her arms around her letting Natasha cry into her shirt, Jenna runs her finger through her hair

Jenna: Did you say goodbye?

Natasha: Yes.

She raises her head up and looks up at her, smiling through her tears then leans up and kisses her

Natasha: I love you, Jenna

Jenna: I love you more, my beautiful vampire.

Natasha And JennaWhere stories live. Discover now