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Natasha pulls up outside the school and gets out of her car walking into the school.

Her heel clinks on the floor as she makes her way down the hallway towards the gym. She throws open the door and a loud happy squeal echos throughout the gym

Rebekah: TASHA!!!

She runs into her sister's arms and they embrace each other warmly.

Natasha: Rebekah!

Rebekah: I missed you

Natasha: I missed you

They pull away and Natasha looks down at Tyler's dead body

Natasha: Ah I missed all the fun, haven't I?

Klaus: The fun's only just beginning, sister. Now I need you to go into your grimoires and find out why I can't make hybrids. I'll hold onto Elena for safekeeping

Rebekah grabs Tyler's legs and drags him out of the gym. Natasha smirks as she follows her out into the hallway.


Natasha is sitting at the desk going through one of her grimoires when she suddenly stands up and begins heading to the door

Rebekah: Where are you going?

Natasha: To test my theory, sister. I won't be long

She walks out of the classroom.

She clanks her heels down the hallway when she hears Bonnie and Matt's voices.

Matt: She said she had a message for you.

Bonnie: For me?

Matt: From the witch that put the hybrid curse on Klaus. She said that Elena shouldn't have survived Klaus' ritual. The hybrids can't transition because Elena's still alive.

Bonnie: Tyler...

Matt: He's going to die, isn't he?

Klaus: I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Natasha: Ah Niklaus, do you want to hear my theory?

Klaus: Precisely, dear sister

Natasha: Simple. The doppelganger remains alive while she is supposed to be dead. That is why you cannot make hybrids.

Klaus: Ah. I shall go test that theory.


Klaus and Natasha walks back into the classroom

Klaus: Klaus: Well, the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead.

Rebekah: Does that mean we can kill her?

Natasha: No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite.

Rebekah: What?!

Natasha flicks her wrist sending Caroling flying across the room and pins her against the wall.

Caroline: No! Please! Please!

Natasha: Why do you defend him all the time, Caroline? Everyone hates him except you.

Caroline: I love him.

Rebekah: Wow. You were correct. She is a selfish one, isn't she?

Natasha: You're so selfish, Caroline. You chose the Lockwood over your own friends and family

Caroline: I'm sorry

Natasha: Enough

She flicks her wrist and snaps Caroline's neck, her body slumps down to the floor.


Natasha walks into the Grill and finds Jenna sitting in a booth, she walks across the Grill. Jenna smiles at the sight of her

Jenna: There's my sexy girl. Come to mommy

She holds her arms out and Natasha buries herself in her chest, Jenna wraps her arms around her and kisses her on the side of the head.

Jenna: Did you get everything sorted out, baby?

Natasha: Yes, everything is sorted out and fine, darling.

Jenna: Good girl.

She cups her face and kisses her gently on the lips. Natasha smiles slowly moving her lips against hers

Natasha: I love you

Jenna: I love you more, my sexy vampire.

Natasha And JennaWhere stories live. Discover now