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Jenna slowly enters the bathroom taking her clothes off and steps into the shower. Natasha looks over her shoulder with a smile

Jenna wraps her arms around her resting her chin on her shoulder.

Natasha: What do you think you're doing?

Jenna: I love it when you take that tone, doll.

Natasha: Jenna! Get out!

Jenna: I can't do that.

She spins her around, glancing down at Natasha's breasts.

Natasha: Jenna

Jenna: Natasha.

She cups Natasha's breasts, lightly squeezing it. She leans in latching her lips around the nipple

Natasha: Oh bloody hell!

Jenna twirls her tongue around the nipple, tugging it between her teeth.

Natasha: Jenna.....

Jenna smirks, sliding her hand down between her legs

Jenna: Oh, are you wet? Just for me?

She places a finger inside, Natasha lets out a small moan, biting down on her lip. Jenna thrusts her finger in and out fast.

Natasha tilts her head back, sliding her hand down the shower glass

Natasha: Jenna.......Jenna........JENNA!!!!

Jenna gets on her knees, placing one of her legs over her shoulder, pressing her tongue to the bottom of her slit and slides her tongue up, she pushes her tongue making the heretic moan in pleasure.

Jenna swirls her tongue inside

Natasha: Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

She gushes out, Jenna pulls away licking her lips

Jenna: Mmmm, you taste so delicious, baby girl.

Natasha smirks as she places her hands on Jenna's chest pushing her into the wall, latching her lips around her nipple. Jenna leans her head back as Natasha sucks on the nipple. She slips three fingers inside Jenna's core pumping them in and out

Natasha pulls away looking Jenna in her eyes, a smile on her face. Jenna cups her face and captures her lips with hers, slipping her tongue inside her mouth, their tongues fights with each other

Natasha: I love you

Jenna: I love you more, my sexy vampire.


Natasha: Elijah! I'm making breakfast! Do you want anything special?

Elijah: I'm sure whatever you make will be fine, sister.

He walks into the kitchen

Elijah: I had my fill of blondes with our brother daggering me and all

Natasha: I prefer Auburn hair girls myself

Elijah: And when is the wedding?

Natasha: Soon, I hope. How's the suits? The tailor is coming by today

Elijah: I do appreciate a good suit. I like the material. Cashmere?

Natasha: Yes.

What are you two talking about?

Natasha rolls he eyes as Klaus walks into the kitchen

Elijah: I was asking our lovely sister when her and Jenna's wedding is, brother?

Klaus: Ah yes, the lovely Jenna Sommers will soon be a Mikaelson. I bet that goads Stefan's loins

Natasha: We all know you want to suck on his loins.

Elijah snickers biting the inside of his cheeks while Klaus's face lights up a light shade of pink

Klaus: What are you babbling about?

Natasha: I mean there's a reason he's not dead, brother. Doubt it all you want but you fancy him.

Klaus: Ah sod off.


Natasha leaves her office walking into the hallway as Jenna approaches her

Jenna: Good, you're done for the day with your stupid work

Natasha: I'll have you know, my "work" makes us roughly two billion a year, keeping you in the life you've grown accostumed to. What do you want?

Jenna: Can a girl admire her sexy, beautiful fiancé?

Natasha: I am beautiful, no?

Jenna: Hell yeah you are and you're amazing in bed, doll.

Natasha: I know I'm amazing in bed, my love

She throws her arms around her neck while Jenna places her hands on her hips, leaning in touching their lips together.

Jenna: I love you, baby

Natasha: I love you


Abby and Bonnie standing on either side of the coffin, holding each other's hands on the coffin, and chanting a spell. After a minute, Bonnie pulls her hands from Abby's and looks at her.

Bonnie: You're not trying! We've been at this for over an hour.

Abby: The spirits are angry with me. For leaving you. Maybe they didn't wa----

Suddenly Natasha walks into the cellar, raising her hand and flicks her wrist sending Abby flying up against the wall

Bonnie: ABBY!!!

Natasha walks past her up to the coffin

Bonnie: Natasha, what are you doing? No!

Natasha: Simple. Taking back what belongs to my family. Now shush it, weak one.

Natasha places her hands over the coffin again. She begins to recite a spell. The candles returns to normal and everything's quiet.

She walks over to the coffin and goes to open it when the lid comes flying off by itself, the candles flares up.

Natasha: Hello again..........Mother.

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