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Natasha groans lowly in her sleep, opening her eyes seeing she's laying her head on Jenna's bare chest. She raises her head up seeing Jenna smiling warmly at her

Jenna: Didn't know if you wanted me to be gone or what so I decided to stay. Hope that's good.

Natasha: It's fine, darling. I don't throw lovers out of the bed. Do you want a shower and some breakfast?

Jenna: That would be great but allow me to carry you

She stands out of bed and lifts Natasha up in her arms bridal style and carries her into the bathroom and places her down

Jenna: I knew you were loaded but I didn't expect this.

Natasha enters the shower and turns on the water, Jenna climbs in after her

Jenna leans in and whispers hotly in her ear

Jenna: Who do you belong to? You my girl, cupcake? Mommy's girl?

Natasha turns around and snakes her arms around her neck, Jenna smirks, raising her hand spanking her ass hard making Natasha squeal in surprise but leans up and kisses her softly.

Natasha: Yes I am yours, my love.

Jenna(laughs): Good girl.


Elena and Stefan gets out of Stefan's car

Stefan: Why is Natasha still here? Elijah's dead.

Elena: Jenna didn't come home last night.

Stefan: What? Why didn't you tell me?

Elena: She stayed over at Natasha's. I thought---

Stefan: Elena, Natasha can't be trusted. Jenna's in danger

Elena: I don't think she is. Jenna likes her a lot.

Stefan: Doesn't mean she's not dangerous. What if this is her plan? Turn Jenna against you and have her hand you over to Klaus?

Elena: Stefan, you're scaring me

Stefan: Don't worry. I'll take care of Natasha.

He kisses her on the forehead and walks away leaving a worried and scared Elena alone.


Damon is trying to burn Elijah's body with a flame gun but it doesn't work. Katherine joins him.

Katherine: Mmm, burning flesh. If you're trying to get the dagger back, you're wasting your time. He's indestructible.

Damon: No kidding. How do you know so much about Original vampires?

Katherine: Spent 500 years running from them

Damon: So when I told you my plan to kill Elijah, why didn't you warn me that I'd die if I used the dagger on him?

Katherine: Oh, there's so many rules. It's all very confusing.

Damon: Did you know I would die?

Katherine: Did Elijah tell you his plan? Did he have a dagger to kill Klaus with?

Damon: Why are you still here?

Katherine: Because you haven't forcibly removed me.

Damon: Also why can't the dagger work on Natasha?

Katherine: Because she's a Heretic.

Damon: What's that?

Katherine: Part witch and vampire

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