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Rose has her arm around Elena's waist leading her inside through the door

Rose: Couch.

Elena: I'm fine. I just...I want something to eat first.

Rose leads her to the couch

Rose: Couch, now!

Elena: Uh, I told you I'm fine

Elena sits down on the couch and Rose covers her with the blanket.

Rose: Now, what can I get you? Do you want some tea, maybe some vodka? Both will help you sleep.

Elena stares at her as Rose sits down beside her

Rose: I know I'm being smothering but it's what I do

Elena: No, it's nice. I like it.

Rose: I'm thinking tea with bourbon.

Elena: I wouldn't say no to a kiss

Rose lifts herself up placing herself over Elena's lap, throwing her arms around her neck and touches her lips to hers. Elena smiles, hands on her hips.

Rose tugs on her bottom lip earning a small growl from the brunette.

Elena: You really know how to get me going.

Rose: It's one of my charms, darling.

They both laugh and Rose gets up. Elena remains on the couch and looks at a picture on the end table of her and her parents and one of her with her cheerleader uniform on.


Elijah, Jenna, Natasha, Elena, and Rose are gathered in the kitchen.

Elijah: All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the Earth and Alaric will follow us.

Elena: Rose, are you going with them?

Natasha: We've done it before. Klaus, I and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Elena is able to live out the rest of her natural life?

Elena: Then I'll come with you

Rose: No

Jenna: No.

Elena: I want to and you can protect me.

Rose: Darling, you don't want to spend your life running. I'll text and call but I want you to stay here. I'll visit as much as I can.

She places her hand over hers and interlocks their hands together.

Elena: But we finally got Klaus kind being the good guy. I don't want him doing anything

Elijah: Niklaus has sworn that he will continue to being a "good little boy"

Jenna: I'd love to see how long that lasts

Natasha: We'll see how long that lasts.

Elijah: I leave you to make the decision.

Elena turns her head to look at Rose who smiles at her as she nods her head.

Elena: We have a deal.


Natasha and Jenna walks into the mansion

Jenna: We should get out of town too

Natasha turns around to face her

Natasha: What?

Jenna: We should get out of town

Natasha: But, what about------this was going to be the place where we start our family. Our lives together, darling.

Jenna steps closer to her, cupping her face in her hands

Jenna: Wherever you are then that's where I want to be. The council knows what we are. Alaric's has them looking for you. We can't be here when they come looking

Natasha: What are you saying?

Jenna: Let's go to Paris.

Natasha: You want us to run? I don't run. Let Alaric come. He doesn't scare me

Jenna: Baby, you're my fiancé. The love of my life. Let me protect you. Let me keep you safe.

Natasha: I'm an Original. The Original Heretic. I don't need any---

Jenna: Well I said I'm going to protect you and I meant every fucking word, baby.

She kisses her warmly on the forehead then leans their heads together.

Natasha: I love you

Jenna: I love you more, my sexy vampire.


Rose walks up the stairs and enters into Elena's bedroom. Elena is sitting on the bed, Rose walks over and sits down beside her

Rose: Are you okay?

Elena: No. I have living like this. I hate that you have to leave. I want you to stay with me. We could have a normal life, just us. Go to London or something. Be happy

Rose: I want that too, darling.

Elena: Will you be my girlfriend?

Rose laughs, smiling as she nods her head. She kisses Elena who pulls her closer wrapping her arms around her waist.

Elena: God, you're so beautiful.

Rose: I know I am beautiful, my love

They climb into bed still in each other's arms. Rose nuzzles deeper against her chest. Elena kisses her on the forehead.

Jenna/Natasha or Elena/Rose?

The wedding is happening soon

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