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From hearing the noises Jisung made, Minho knew that it was urgent so he took his shoes and jacket as quickly as possible and stayed on the phone with Jisung.

He didn't really care that he was still wearing his pyjama, his only priority was Jisung at that moment.

And he definitely wasn't doing well. While Minho came to him, he put the tissues in the bathtub and shoved the shower curtains closed. After that he pulled his sleeves back over his wrists because he didn't have time to put bandages over it.

Since Aera and Yijun were at work Minho had to take the spare key, Jisung told him where it is.

And when he ran up the stairs into Jisung's room and into his bathroom, he saw him curled up in the corner of the bathroom, hands over his head as if he would need to protect himself from something.

"Jisung" Minho only saw him there, trembling. He didn't know what had happened but he wanted him to feel better so he instantly went over to him to pull him into his arms.

"Jisung what happened?" he pulled him closer, trying to soothe him by kissing the top of his head or lightly swinging them.

But Jisung didn't answer he just clutched onto Minho's shirt as if Minho would be the only thing that's keeping him alive right now.

And, to exaggerate, he kinda was because Jisung's wounds were still bleeding and it only got at least partly stopped because of the pressure that comes from Jisung hugging Minho.

Until it couldn't go unnoticed anymore when it bled through his sleeves and Minho noticed something sticky and warm on his back. Then he took Jisung hands in his to pull them away from his back and in front of him.

"Please don't leave me" it was only a quiet whimper but it was there.

"No Jisung" Minho then cupped his cheeks "Ji I wouldn't" making it to a swift motion to stroke through his hair gently "no, for nothing in the world" then he pulled Jisung into his arms again.

"Can I treat them for you? I'll be gentle if you let me, I just don't want you to get an infection"

And Jisung hesitated, but he could trust Minho, right? So he gave him a little nod as an 'okay' to which Minho slowly pulled him up to get him to sit onto the toilet lit.

He quickly got bandages, wound spray and some tissues before he sat down in front of Jisung to look up to him so he can make sure that Jisung really is okay with that.



Then Minho gently pulled Jisung's sleeves up, holding the tissue onto the bleeding wounds.

"If it hurts too much, just kick me" of course Minho hoped it wouldn't get to this, but if it takes that to reduce Jisung's pain, he would let Jisung kill him.

So he slowly took the wound spray to get it on Jisung's cuts, holding his hands tightly when it was obvious that Jisung was in pain due to his breathing.

"It's okay Ji it will be over in just a bit. I know it hurts but you'll be fine love, trust me"

Words really are a massive weapon, either they swallow you alive or in this case they make you forget everything bad.

To be precise, one specific word made Jisung forget the bad things. Except Sujin, no one ever called him love and that gave him tickles deep down in his stomach.

With Jisung's skin slowly drying around the cuts, Minho put bandages around both of his wrists being really careful to not accidentally hurt him more. He tried to get the perfect strength of the bandages, that's not too tight and not too loose.

Jisung was so scared of what Minho would say or do when he saw what he had done, but it looked like Minho was completely unbothered by it. And he was, not that he doesn't care about why Jisung did that but because it wasn't a completely new sight.

He just never treated cuts on different person's arms.

And especially because he knows how ashamed Jisung must feel, he didn't stare at any of the cuts. He saw that they are there, but he didn't pay much attention to them, only to treat the new ones. That's what he would want for himself.

While packing away all the stuff he used to take care of Jisung's wounds, he thought about Jisung's reasons. He wouldn't just jump into conclusions now, that would be unfair but this whole situation is making him think about how he can be a better help for Jisung.

"Hey Sungs, would you wanna try to sleep? I won't leave you if you don't want me to"

Then he nodded but didn't move so Minho went closer, putting an arm behind Jisung's back and the other under his knees and waited like that for a negative reaction from Jisung, which never came. So Minho picked him up like this to walk him back into his room and sit him down onto his bed.

"Wanna change your hoodie into a more comfortable one? I could change it for you if you don't want to do that"

And Jisung nodded again, making Minho walk over to his closet and grabbing the hoodie Jisung once claimed as his favorite one.

Minho slowly pulled Jisung's hoodie up, over his head and arm for arm out of the sleeves. The time he needed to get the new hoodie into the right angle, he used to look at him. Not in a pervert way to take advantage of him, but in a caring way, to search for other injuries.

He didn't find more, just the first thing he noticed was that Jisung looked really lean, he noticed when he carried him. Only that seeing it was different. But Minho could interpret a bit too much in it, it could just be how his body is built.

So with that he decided to drop it for now and to concentrate on Jisung. In this time, here and next to him.

They laid down together, Minho pulling him close to hug him and Jisung already snuggling onto him. That wasn't anything new for them, whenever they napped or decided to sleep they cuddled.

And Minho would definitely need to talk to Jisung about it, but totally not now and maybe not tomorrow. To start, he would have a better eye on him from now on.

Hoping that it would soothe Jisung a bit more, he kissed the top of his head.

"I'm not going to leave you Ji"

Then that day, Jisung didn't regret calling Minho for help.

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