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Saturday arrived quite faster than they thought and when Jisung wakes up to get ready, his first thoughts are occupied with Minho.

Since he last went out, some long time has passed, which doesn't hold him back tho.

Picking the perfect outfit - check

Getting everything needed - check

Last glance inside his mirror before he's ready to go - well better last glance at the calender which hangs right next to his mirror.

As soon as he sees which date it is, he freezes in his movements, 16th January , the death anniversary of his mom. Sure he was kinda happy to meet up with Minho in only about half an hour, but he didn't even think about the day. Was he really a bad son, like Juwoon always tells him?


He should stay home and worship the time he had with his mom, shouldn't he? But if you see it like that, going to their café of many many years, maybe he could feel her presence.

Convincing enough, definitely. So when he goes downstairs, he sneaks around. It almost feels as if it wasn't even his home, if you could even call it that anymore.

He had hopes, he really had them. Unfortunately they were crashed when Juwoon joins him, already drunk. At 11am. So he's aware of the day.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Outside, seeing a friend. I'm sure Mom would've wanted-" He gets cut off by a stinging ache on his cheek.

"Don't you ever, call her that again! If it wouldn't be for you, she would still be here. You killed her. You don't deserve to call her that"

Well, ouch. Juwoon for sure did beat him up, pretty much as it seems. Why else would he wake up in the hospital now? With so much bright lights surrounding him, almost like it's supposed to make him blind.

How long has he been here now? He must've missed the time he wanted to see Minho. He has to go there as soon as possible, apologizing to Minho but making up an excuse as to why he didn't show up earlier.

When he tries to stand up, not even looking around properly because his eyes aren't used to the light just yet, he gets hold back. Not just by the stinging pain that starts on his stomach and floats through his whole body, but also by a warm, comforting hand that rests on his arm and sends little impulses of electricity through his body.

"Don't move, please. You have to rest" Minho.

So he slides back down his hospital bed, and keeps trying to adjust his eyes, what he, fortunately, was able to do only seconds after. And the first thing he can see is the worried face of Minho.

His throat feels as if he hadn't drunk anything in weeks, it was dry and sore and just hurt. Either way, he has to know what happened and why he is here.

"What happened?"

Maybe it was because Minho is relieved that Jisung is awake, maybe because of something else but as soon as Jisung talks, even though it was only two words, he let out a sigh he didn't know he held.

"I waited for you in the café, just like we said but you didn't show up. So I texted you, about a hundred times, so don't be shocked when you look at your phone. Well let's say when I haven't heard from you after an hour I got worried and went to your house, really I was so scared when I saw you lying on the floor. I don't know what happened to you but I called an ambulance and that's why you're here now. I'm glad that you are alright and awake"

Almost immediately memories come crashing back in, Jisung standing in front of Juwoon. Juwoon being upset with him for killing Sujin. Then Juwoon punching Jisung and then kicking him and that's probably the moment he got unconscious.

It's always going to be like that, isn't it? Jisung could only nod, not feeling able to say much.

"Do you want some water? I can get you some, I'll be back in only some seconds"

Another nod and with this one Minho stands up to get him the water he was talking about.

So Jisung waits. It's weird how good he feels around Minho, good weird. So I guess it's irrelevant to mention that he looks happy to the door, as soon as it's opened again.

Just that this time his smile fades with the eye contact.

It's not Minho he's looking at, it's an angry looking Juwoon.

"What do you think you're doing here? God you're such a failure you can't even help yourself. What did you tell them what happened? You're not coming here again, did I make myself clear?"

Jisung didn't know until now, that Juwoon can be so furious, of course he was mad at Jisung almost every day, but that isn't comparable to his mood now.

He doesn't answer verbally, but with a nod. He had been scared of his dad before, but this feels like another fear, the fear that he could hurt Minho.

"Okay now let me tell you this, you killed my wife, she probably wanted to be dead knowing she had such a failure as a son. She could still be alive Jisung, it's your fault. Everything is your fault and that will never change, you get that? You can't walk around, thinking the so called friends you made genuinely like you. Because surprise, they don't. They could never care for someone like you"

At this point Jisung doesn't care about the pain in his body, he wants to get away from him as fast as possible and because he can't stand up he scoots at the headboard of his bed with his knees on his chest and a tear escaping the corner of his eye.

"Now don't fucking act like a god damn victim, Jisung. We both know that you deserve this and I'm so gonna make sure that I'll remind you every. fucking. day from now on. So don't you dare ever going to the hospital again, you don't deserve being here. It would be best if you would just-"

"I think that's enough now, don't you think?"

Both, Jisung and Juwoon, turn their head to the door now where Minho stands with a bottle of water in his hand.

Jisung wipes his tears away as fast as he can, not sure if he should be relieved that Minho's there now or scared that Juwoon will hurt him.

"Okay listen here, I don't know why you are in my son's room, who you are and why you would give a single shit about this faggot. So fuck off and leave us alone, I have some things to talk about. In private"

"No, you go, before I call the police for domestic abuse"

"Right, because they would believe lies from a child"

"Yeah, does this look like lies?"

And in the exact same moment, Minho takes his phone out of his pocket to show the voice recorder, which should be recording since most of the time Juwoon talked to Jisung.

"You can't tell me that Jisung is here because he fell, I know it was you."

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