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December passed pretty fast for them and now they're gathering around Chan's kitchen table to plan a little party for new years eve.

Mostly Chan and Minho are planning everything the others are rather talking to each other. They are through with the decisions which decorations and where they want them, only a really important question should be answered before they head out to get the decoration.

"Do we invite other people?" Jisung asked, more uncomfortable with the thought of so much people around him.

"Hell yeah we do, no fun with no people" Seungmin answered him in only a second.

"Oh yeah sure we do, I've always dreamed about strangers running around my house"

"Don't sarcasm me you old man, you have to loosen up a bit or you won't befriend other people than us. So now that we made that clear, we can plan on who buys what. Felix and Hyunjin you go to buy some drinks and snacks, Changbin and Jisung you go and buy decoration I'll send you what we need. Minho and Jeongin you can start to decorate with the stuff that Chan has and we both send the invitations"

Chan and Seungmin are always kinda bickering around so that you could think they are in love, which they always deny. But who knows?

Jisung is now, not really willingly, following Changbin to his car and planning on not talking to him when they're alone because that wouldn't be easy at all.

Luckily for him Changbin didn't try it either, so they sat in the car silently minding their own business.

Until they are in the shop.

"You're totally ignoring me when we're alone, any reasons?" As if he wouldn't know it, Jisung just glances at him for a second and goes to the isle where the decoration is, unfortunately with Changbin.

"I'm talking to you"

"But I'm not talking to you, let's just buy the stuff now"

It still hurts him, the way Changbin treated him, how could it not? That he's here, next to him and acting oblivious makes it just worse.

Every movement Jisung did was completely watched by Changbin, who also sometimes dared to stroke over his arm just to touch him. As you can tell the touch doesn't pleasures Jisung and he simply just has enough when they're back in Changbin's car with his hand on Jisung's thigh.

It's awfully quiet in the car and definitely not the comfortable silence he experiences when he's with Minho. He squirms in his seat a bit when Changbin's hand touches his thigh and Jisung shoves it away.

"What's the matter with you today jagiya?" This petname from Changbin? Sending shivers down his spine. Jisung always craved for Changbin to call him like that but he never did, only when he was in a good mood and that was rare.

Why is Changbin treating him like that? As if he would care how Jisung is acting around him. He didn't even care when he broke the younger's heart. Changbin was cold. Every time since the break up he never talked to him so his attitude now just doesn't make any sense.

"Don't talk to me and drive"

Which he did, silent and awkward until they are back at Chan's house to bring the things they bought to the others.

"Okay guys last invitation is out by now" in Seungmins voice you can hear that he's totally excited for the party. And the moment he sees Jisung and Changbin with the decoration he immediately tells them what to do with which piece, until everything was well prepared and all of the boys are lying on the couch to wait.

It was now one hour before midnight and everyone they invited came. Even though, or maybe just because, they were all at least slightly drunk, they are having fun. Only Jisung was sitting outside on the balcony just stargazing and enjoying the silence.

"You're outside. Why?" He really has to be cursed, hasn't he?

"Hiding from you Changbin"

"Why would you hide from me Sungie? I know you love me"

"Go away, you're drunk"

"You're one to talk, let's do something fun" with Changbin's sneaky hands traveling around Jisung's upper body, Jisung directly knew what he was up to.

"I'm as good as sober" he tried to get Changbin's hands off him but that turns out as really difficult since his grip is so tight.

"Let's go somewhere more private, I know you want me just as much as I want you Sungie" how much Jisung hates that stupid smirk of Changbin. If he would really want him he wouldn't have broken up with him, would he? Jisung just wants his hands off his body.

"Come on Ji, I know you, I know that you want to get fucked like the little slut you are, don't be all shy now. Do you remember the first time that we-" Jisung just pushed him off himself at this point and he stormed inside the bathroom to lock the door.

He isn't a slut, right? He only slept once with Changbin and he didn't even want it with his whole heart and after that he always tried to avoid anything sexual with Changbin, because every time he hurt Jisung, physically, maybe not even on purpose.

So since the party isn't turning out well for Jisung, it definitely does for Chan and Seungmin.

Seungmin asked Chan a while ago if he could see his music stuff, then they went to Chan's room and he presented everything to Seungmin. Which led to their situation now: both are standing really close to each other because Seungmin almost slipped and Chan was just in time to catch him.

They are both looking into each others eyes, communicating through them and then finally closing the suffocating gap between them, which they felt since months.

Chan's lips against Seungmin's are feeling like they were just made for each other, they fit perfectly.

Seungmin starts to hold onto Chan because his knees are getting shaky, it's just such a long time that he's waited for this.

Feeling this, Chan puts an arm around Seungmin's waist to support him while pushing his tongue inside the younger's mouth.

While Chan is exploring his mouth Seungmin's breathing is getting heavier and both are walking more backwards in the direction of Chan's bed.

Now that Chan's hovering above Seungmin, still kissing him, he has his hand free to lie it at the side of Seungmins upper body. And not only him, also Seungmin put one of his hands under Chan's shirt and the other in his hair to tug on it a bit.

This action makes Chan gasps and he pulls away from Seungmin to kiss his neck and search for a certain sweet spot. He knew he found it when Seungmin grabs his hair a bit tighter and starts to arch his back a bit.

Chan's signal not just to keep this position but to suck on it and bite it lightly and when he hears Seungmin whimpering he keeps his movements and starts to stroke over his body.

Not just Seungmin is feeling all pleasured right now, also Chan because he loves making Seungmin like he is right now: whimpering and tugging on his hair with lightly red cheeks because of the feeling he never felt in his entire life.

Both of them could continue like that forever but pitifully fate made another decision because they hear a knock on the door with a quiet voice that says that there are only five minutes left until the new years starts.

Let's say they are rather annoyed than excited now because they couldn't continue, but they know that it would probably be really awkward between them in the next morning.

Let's say they are rather annoyed than excited now because they couldn't continue, but they know that it would probably be really awkward between them in the next morning

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This is what his house would look like just so ykk

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