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But Jisung kept his eyes close, hoping he would go away if he would just ignore him enough.

"Come out Ji, I just want to help you"

Instead of answering he let out a sigh, quietly cleaning his wounds and flushing the bloody toilet paper down before he pulled his sleeves back down.

"Sungs really, let me help you"

"Help me? You can help me by going away"

There isn't really much sadness left that Changbin was just playing with him, he got hurt and that he let Changbin do that to him, put him in rage. His voice was shivering but who cares at this point.

"I'm not going away, what's wrong?"

"You. You are wrong so just leave me the fuck alone"

"I didn't do anything wrong Jisung"

"You fooled me, you made me believe I can trust you and then you threw me away like trash"

"And you think you can trust Minho?"

Why shouldn't he trust Minho? What's wrong with Minho? He treats him way better than Changbin ever did.

"More than I can trust you, that's for sure. At least he isn't playing with me"

"And you think you know that now? Trust me Jisung, he is not half as good as you think he is"

"Trust you?" He then unlocked the stall door, pushing it open and started walking towards Changbin, capturing him in a corner.

"Trust you? Do you have any idea how long it took me to trust you? And then when I fully started trusting you, you smashed that trust into pieces. Have you ever thought about the consequences of your actions? I bet not"

And with his index finger touching Changbin's chest he continued talking.

"Don't tell me to trust you, when you destroyed every single bit of trust I had before you broke up. So leave me the fuck alone and don't pull Minho into your shitshow"

"Don't be like this now Jisung, I love you I just want to check up on you, how are you feeling?"

"How am I feeling? Shove that back up your ass you make me so mad, you wouldn't believe me how much. I don't think you even cared about me the whole time, you fucked me and you didn't even ask if I wanna, you fucking just did and thought I'm okay with it for fucks sake"

"You never told me anything that you don't want to"

"But I bet you sensed it. You were really hesitant the whole time, so you didn't give a flying fuck. And you still want me to trust you? Trust my ass"

By now their noses were almost touching, that's how close Jisung went while he was speaking, then he narrowed his eyes.

"Don't tell me you love me after the number you pulled, I don't believe you"

The moment Jisung wanted to turn and go away, Changbin grabbed his wrist, making Jisung hiss in pain, just to pull him really close and hug him.

"Please give me a chance. I know you hate me, and I couldn't hate myself more for the things I did to you. You didn't deserve any of it. But believe me when I tell you that I had a reason to break up"

To say Jisung was shocked about the sudden proximity was an understatement. He was so shocked, he forgot how to move, but not how to talk.

"I can't think of a proper reason to do something like that Changbin, don't lie to me"

"Please Ji" He then cupped Jisungs cheeks bringing him closer. "Give me a chance, as your friend. I don't want to not talk to you, I didn't play you. It wasn't just a game for me I had to say that you don't understand"

"No I really don't" Jisung shoved Changbin away so he can go, this time for real. Just when he was about to open the door, he turned his head back to look at Changbin for a while before speaking again.

"I have to think about it, but don't expect anything more than a friendship"

Then he shut the door behind himself and ran out of the school to go home, because why would he care about the stuff that's still in their classroom?

It's still weird for him to call Aera and Yijun's house his home, but ever since he moved in they were nothing but kind and caring. Aera really reminds him of Sujin, and Yijun is the person Jisung wishes his father would've been.

"You're already home?" Area called out while she popped her head out of the kitchen, when Jisung stepped through the door.

"I wasn't feeling very well, I'm sorry I couldn't concentrate"

The reasons aren't something he necessarily has to talk about.

"Oh, yes sure, rest a bit. Did you eat already?"

"Yeah" lie

"I could make you a soup so you might feel better later"

"Thank you but it's fine, I'm not really hungry right now" lie

"Okay, then rest well I'll check up on you later"

When he went to his room the first thing he did is letting himself fall onto the bed, closing his eyes. He's so damn exhausted and how should he know where to start thinking about the whole Changbin situation?

Sounds like an after-nap-problem, and that's exactly what he did after just some seconds: taking a nap.

Unfortunately it was too short, because just three hours later he woke up from a knock on his door. And when he looked up Aera came into his room with a bowl in her hand and Minho following her.

Since he helped Jisung move, he remembered the directions to them pretty well and he really wanted to check up on Jisung after he practically run away.

"Okay boys, I'll leave you alone" Aera said when she put the bowl down and then she left.

"Ji, are you okay?" Minho hesitantly sat down onto his bed edge, lying a hand on his leg.

"Yeah, maybe just a bit ill" lie, lie, lie

"Oh alright and I asked because of the presentation, you won't get a lower grade since you talked enough and I just took your missing part so everything's good"

"Thank you so much Min"

"of course"

And when his stomach was almost growling, he saved it by standing up and taking the bowl of soup to hold it out to Minho.


"That's your soup Ji"

"I know but I already ate really much today and I'm really really not hungry, I don't want it to go to waste" liar

So with a nod from Minho he gave him the bowl and sat back down onto his bed.

When was the last time he ate?

Was it two days ago? Or three?

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