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Partys simply weren't Jisung's thing, just because every time something happens. You can count the little encounter around 20 minutes ago with Changbin to that, because it doesn't leave Jisung's mind.

He can't think about anything else than what Changbin just told him. Today wasn't the first time that he called Jisung names but since Changbin's drunk he's more honest.

Jisung's staring at his reflection in the mirror, studying his facial features and he's definitely not satisfied with them. Were his chubby cheeks too much? They don't look good in his view, maybe he should lose some weight and then they would go away.

Couldn't he just look better? Maybe he wouldn't be a slut then. Maybe one of the reasons Changbin broke up with him is that he's not good enough. Maybe he should just let Changbin do what he wants and, just maybe, he would love him again?

Pathetic, isn't it? Changbin brought Jisung pain, why would he still want his affection? He couldn't explain himself.

And when he goes out of the bathroom, only some minutes until midnight, where Seungmin and Chan are walking past him in an awkward silence down the stairs, he just got proof that party's aren't good.

He doesn't understand why someone would celebrate the start of a new year, because for Jisung a new year means going through the same shit as every year, just from the beginning. And seriously, why would he want that?

They were all in the living room now, standing close together and waiting for the countdown to start.

At the last ten seconds everyone started to count loudly until they are all cheering when the countdown hits zero.

Even some seconds before midnight you could hear the fireworks but now they are louder and most of them are going outside to watch the fireworks.

If you would ask Jisung, it's the best thing about new years eve. The beautiful colors brightening up the sky, the forms like hearts or stars of the fireworks and the sparkles that are everywhere. Even the little fountains are like little stars in his eyes and he appreciates every second of it.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Jisung was so drawn in those little exploding starts that he didn't even notice Minho approaching him.

"Yeah, totally" he couldn't get his eyes away from the fireworks once he started watching them.

"Any resolutions?"

"I don't really now, I wanna try to be more open to you I guess, what about you?"

"I want to spend more time with you" Minho said, making Jisung blush a little but thanks to the darkness it's not that visible.

"Sounds like both is something we can work on" He finally turns to Minho just to notice that the elder's already looking at him.

"Now I'm looking forward to this year, thank to you Ji"

Both of them are smiling at each other before they go back inside to start the new year together.

After everyone left they are sure it's about early in the morning and they decide to just go to sleep and clean up tomorrow. Chan got some mattresses and puts them on the floor in the living room so there are two rows with four mattresses each and they could lie down head to head.

When everyone fell asleep, only Jisung is still awake, or so he thought. He couldn't fall asleep because he has so much in his head, just like every other night.

He lies between Felix and Minho and when no one noticed that he had trouble to fall asleep any other night, tonight Minho is still awake and he noticed.

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