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After Minho's appearance things were kinda...awkward?

Of course Jisung is thankful that Juwoon didn't hurt Minho, but now they are sitting in silence. Jisung still in his bed and Minho on a chair beside his bed.

For Jisung it was quite inevitable that Minho comes in when Juwoon was still there but reality hits different. He knew now. What if Minho would push him away after he found out about Juwoon?

"Ji, look I can't-"

"Please don't tell anyone, he's the only family I have. Can we please forget about whatever happened?"

Apparently universe had other plans, when a doctor with some policemen came in, Jisung thought Minho snitched. Maybe before he told Juwoon to go away he told some of the doctors?

No there was way too little time for that.

"You must be Han Jisung, right?" Said a woman, she stands in front of two policemen now and wasn't really noticeable when they entered.

Jisung only nods, not being able to process everything that's happening right now.

"We're here because some of the people outside the room heard your argument and were worried what's going on. Was the person that screamed at you your father?"

Another nod.

"We asked some of the people who heard it and they told us it sounded like verbal abuse almost leading to physical abuse? Can you maybe try and explain what he said?"

Should he try it? But if he would speak up he would for sure lose his dad, maybe it would be better to just deny it? But there's no point in living like that under his Juwoon's supervision. He gets slightly nervous because his mind is going crazy at this point.

"M-Minho has it"

As if he had only waited for that Minho took out his phone.
"I don't have everything but most of it I guess"
He gave his phone to the policewoman to play the recording.

"-let me tell you this, you killed my wife, she probably wanted to be dead knowing she had such a failure as a son. She could still be alive Jisung, it's your fault. Everything is your fault and that will never change, you get that? You can't walk around, thinking the so called friends you made genuinely like you. Because surprise, they don't. They could never care for someone like you"

A little sniffle could be heard and the sound of the bedsheets ruffling.

"Now don't fucking act like a god damn victim, Jisung. We both know that you deserve this and I'm so gonna make sure that I'll remind you every. fucking. day from now on. So don't you dare ever going to the hospital again, you don't deserve being here. It would be best if you would just-"

"I think that's enough now, don't you think?"

Then the woman looked at Jisung again with a quiet sigh before she started talking again.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. My name is Aera and my colleagues and I need to ask you some questions about your father, if that's okay with you?"

Jisung nods again, but now it's because he doesn't want his voice to crack. He would lose him now, wouldn't he? All the hope he had to wake up one day and everything is perfect again would be smashed into pieces.

"Alright, I need you to answer totally honest. It's not only for your own safety, but we can stop at any point if you feel uncomfortable. Do you want someone to leave the room for privacy?"

He looks at Minho, considering whether he wants him to stay or not. They got really close over the last weeks and it would be a big emotional support he would definitely need. So just when Minho was about to leave, because he thought that Jisung looked at him meant he wants him to leave, he reaches out to Minho's hand with a barely audible please stay.

But Minho understands, of course he does. He sits back down on the chair staying close to Jisung and still holding his hand and then those little tickles are spreading everywhere their skin touches.

So when Jisung feels ready he looks back at Aera, signaling her that she can start.

"Okay, I'll need words as answers since we're gonna tape it. Are you in this hospital because of Juwoon?"


"So he beat you up, right? Was this the first time this happened?"

"No" he holds his head down and hesitates before adding "he does it casually, today was just different"

"What was different today? If I may ask. You don't have to share information you want to keep to yourself"

"My mom's death anniversary" it came out more a question than an actual answer "He says it's my fault, and I can't blame him because if it wasn't for me, she would still be here."

After he said that, he felt a gentle squeeze on his hand, as if Minho tells him that it's not and everything will be okay. And this time he actually believed it, not fully but a part of him wants to believe him. Then the first tear fell.

"Do you have a particular reason to believe that?"

Then he shakes his head
"I can't talk about it yet I'm sorry"

"No that's totally fine. Other than beating you, did he do anything that could harm you in any way?"

Should he tell them? They could get suspicious, but maybe he could just say it's not a problem? But he was scared so he talked really quiet.

"When I made dinner, he wouldn't let me eat most of the time"

Aera looked a bit taken aback by that, but it's obvious that she tries to stay calm.

"After that, did you develop any problems with food?"

"No I'm fine" liar

"Well okay, you're very strong Jisung. And I'm really sorry to ask you something like that, but some time ago we had an investigation against your father because a mother reported him. And of course we need your approval, but we would like to take him in with your help."

"What was he accused of?"

"There wasn't enough evidence but he probably raped a nine year old girl. Like I said it's not for your own safety, it was only recently so I'm scared something like this happens to other children"

So what do you feel in such a situation? Fear? Anger? Sadness? For Jisung it was none of them. It was like someone pushed a button inside his head, he felt nothing.

Well probably a bit betrayal, he gave another child more attention than his own son. Damn.

So he nodded because suddenly, he didn't feel the love for Juwoon anymore, he didn't want to hope for a happy moment, he was sick of it.

He wanted revenge.

"I'll help"

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