Chapter Two

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3rd person Pov
Rhaenyra and Jojen are 13 and Meera is 14 (end of season 1 start of two)

Rhaenyra laid in bed as she looked at the large dragon egg on her shelf. Dany was right, it was beautiful. She added wood to her fire before falling asleep.

* * *

"Rhae!" She jumped awake as she was violently shaken. "We have to go!"

She got out of her bed and saw her room was covered in smoke and set on fire. She saw Meera covering her mouth as nose as she tried to find the exit. Rhae grabbed her hand and dragged her outside. They got out just before the roof collapsed.

They made their way to the courtyard and watched as the castle was burning. Men tried to put it out but failed. Rhaenyra looked around and couldn't see Jojen.

"Where's Jojen?" She panicked asking Meera.

"I haven't seen him."

Rhaenyra ran back inside the burning building. She yelled out his name and didn't get an answer. She ran to his room as her clothes set on fire. It didn't burn her but she panicked and ran around trying to find Jojen.

She walked into his room and saw him under a part of the roof that had caved in. He was barley conscious but saw Rhaenyra.



She tried to pull him out from under the wood but failed. She breathed out hard and picked up the wood slightly, leaving enough room for him to get out. He got out and stood up next to her.

They both ran outside before the rest of the roof caved in. Jojen coughed as he fell to the floor. People surrounded the two as they laid on the dirt.

"Get the maesters!" Someone had yelled.

"Oh Jojen!" Meera exclaimed as she kneeled next to him and Rhaenyra. "You could've died Rhae! What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking about Jojen" she breathed fast. "Do you really want a dead brother?"

"Stop arguing" Jojen sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm not dead, I'm resting"

Meera giggled and said sorry to her sister. The maesters came over and checked the two out. Jojen had minor burns and Rhae had none.


Rhaenyra woke up to people clamouring and asking questions. She stood up and everyone stared at her.

"What?" She asked then she felt something move in her hair. "Ah! Get it out get it out"

She screamed as she thought it was a bug and everyone stepped away as a little growl came out. She stood still and put a hand up to her head. Something stepped onto her hand and she nervously brang it down to her eyes.

She stood in shock as a tiniest white dragon stood on her hand. It was the size of a kitten. It was fully white with purple eyes. She smiled down at it.

"Hello Aegon" she kissed its little head and looked around. "Please don't be afraid, this is a small dragon, he means no harm."

As she said that it coughed and a little fire came out. Everyone backed away. She put it on her shoulder and walked around to find Meera.

"Cute dragon" Meera said walking next to her. "Aegon, is it?"


"Recover whatever you can because we are leaving" Meera said walking to the stables.

"What do you mean?" Rhaenyra followed her. "Where are we going?"

"To find Bran Stark" Jojen answered. "Cute dragon"

"Thanks, why are we finding him?"

"Because he is going to find the Three-Eyed Raven, and I need to find Bran, he's like me"

"You can walk though?" Rhaenyra questioned.

Meera bursted out laughing and Jojen shook his head.

"No, we both have abilities"


* * *

10 months later (season two middle)

"What do dragons even eat?" Meera asked as we walked through the snow covered forest.

"Whatever they want" Rhaenyra answered her.

"He's getting bigger each day, he's the size of a direwolf now, it's been 10 months!" Meera said.

"Imagine how big he will be in a year" Jojen said as he walked a head.

"I can't wait to ride him." Rhaenyra said. "The only thing I wanted my dragon to burn was my brother, but my sisters husband got to it already so I guess I'll burn wood?"

"Shh." Jojen said as he got down to the floor.

Meera did the same and Aegon blended in with the snow. Rhaenyra got down next to Jojen and looked around. Rhae saw a woman and a Direwolf surrounding a boy lying down. The lady walked away through the woods as the wolf growled.

"Follow me" Jojen stood up and walked straights to the boy.

Meera and Rhaenyra followed a few feet behind them stopped as the woman put a spear to the back of his head.

"Not another step, boy" she said as she held it up high. "Unless you wanna drown in a pool of your own blood."

"I'm unarmed" He told her.

"That was poor plannin'" she said gripping the spear.

"My sisters carries the weapons." He said to the woman and Meera pulled out a knife and placed it to her throat.

"I'm better with them" she held her knife tight. "Drop the spear"

"I'll put this arrow through your skull" Rhaenyra threatened as she aimed her bow.

The boy looked at Rhaenyra scared like he just been through all seven hells. Meera repeated her words as Rhae relaxed her bow and walked closer to him. Aegon growled as he walked up behind Rhaenyra. He looked at the dire wolf who started to whine. The boy looked at the dragon and froze.

"You kill me..." The lady let go of her spear. "That wolf will tear you to bits"

It began to growl again as Rhae and Jojen walked to it. She placed her hand out and it sniffed her. It began to lick her hand. Aegon snarled and it stopped.

"You must be Summer" Their brother said. The wolf walked away and Jojen walked to the boy. "I'm Jojen Reed, these are my sisters Meera Reed and Rhaenyra Targaryen-Reed"

"We've come along way to find you, Brandon" Rhaenyra walked over to him. "And we have much further to go"

* * *

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