Chapter Eighteen

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3rd person pov

Rhaenyra slowly opened her eyes and jumped as she was greeted with Aegons mouth wide open. Her tongue stuck out and gave her a long, slimy lick up her face.

"Aegon!" She muffled as his tongue covered her.

Aegon pulled away and gave a weird smile, it was uncomfortable due to the fact there were bones and blood covering her jaw. Rhaenyra sighed and looked around. She saw Drogon laying in a ball over in the corner.

"So, you're a girl?" Rhaenyra asked the dragon, obviously it didn't reply. "I need a bath"

Rhaenyra got out of bed and walked out of her room. She walked down the corridors as she picked dried blood out of her hair. She probably should've had that bath last night.

"Ew you stink" Daenerys stated as she came up behind her sister.

"I'm going to have a bath right now"

"I'll get breakfast prepared, want some eggs?"

"No, I'll have porridge, make sure there is a lot of honey and sugar!" Rhaenyra told her sister before walking into the washroom.

She made herself a hot bath. Daenerys walked in and placed clean clothes on the counter and left. Rhaenyra thanked her and began to wash herself for ten minutes. She got out after all the blood was off her and out of her hair.

She changed into her clothes. There were a pair of black leggings that went under her ankle length black dress. It had a collar that rose up her neck and had a diamond cut out above her breast to the tip of the collar. And a pair of brown boots.

That if you couldn't imagine it

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That if you couldn't imagine it.

Rhaenyra walked out to the kitchen after walking down an obnoxiously long hallway. She saw her porridge sitting next to some candles to keep it warm.

There was a massive drizzle of honey, sugar and some strawberries and blueberries. She picked up and spoon and took her bowl of food to the dinning room where she sat with Tyrion the last time she was there. She sat at the end of the long table again, alone.

Part of her wished for Tyrion to show up but part of her didn't want him to because she kept that big of a secret from her. She thought of Dany, this morning she had red baggy eyes, Rhaenyra didn't even think of how the disappearance of Missandei and the death of her dragon effected her.

She ate her porridge quick ignoring the heat and made her way to Danys room. She nicked on the door and didn't get a reply.

"Dany?" Rhaenyra asked as she entered.

"Hey" She sniffled as she sat in the corner of her room. "Was your porridge nice?"

"Yes, thank you" Rhaenyra walked over and sat next to her. "Are you ok?"

"No" she sobbed and cried into Rhaenyras shoulder. "This came by raven today"

"What is it?" Rhaenyra asked and took the letter, her face dropped when she read the letter. "Those Lannister fuckers"

* * *

Rhaenyra stood around the war table that had the seven kingdoms engraved. Varys, Grey worm and Tyrion were the only ones there. Rhaenyra looked at the map, she placed a dragon model piece on dragon stone.

"We hold Dragonstone, The north, technically Highgarden, Riverrun, Storms end, Dorne, and the Vale thanks to Sansa." She stated and placed more pieces on the locations. "Cersei has Casterly rock, which is basically nothing, but she also had other Iron Born and an army from the Iron Bank"

She placed Lions on the other locations.

"We have more houses, more locations, strong soldiers but Cersei has more soldiers that aren't as disciplined as our Unsullied soldiers"

"The Unsullied are disciplined" Grey Worm said to her.

"They are, I just said that." She sighed. "A raven came in this morning, Daenerys gave the letter to me-"

"And where is her Grace?" Varys interrupted.

"Dealing with the capture of her best friend and her dragon, are you mentally deficient? Did you really have to ask that?" Rhaenyra cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Her grace should be leading the war, not her little sister" he calmly said.

"Does having no cock make you automatically insufferable?" She said and he stoped talking. "As I was saying... the letter said that the Lannisters have Missandei and want Daenerys to bend the knee and she won't get hurt, she will obviously not bend the knee so this will mean war, I have sent ravens to each of our supporting houses and told them to all march for Kings Landing"

An hour later

"Right, get our men ready, we are going to kings landing, I will go on dragon back with Aegon and Drogon, Daenerys will go by shop with the unsullied and we will meet at the gates of Kings Landing before any damage is to be caused."

Rhaenyra began to walk out but stopped at the sound of Tyrion.

"If you hear the bells, they have surrendered"

She ignored what he said and continued to leave. She walked back to Daenerys room. She saw her standing in front of her mirror braiding her hair. She had a black outfit on with her matching boots.

"Dany?" She walked in.

"When are we leaving?" Daenerys turned around.

"You will leave soon by ship, I will go on dragon back and Drogon with me"

"Why can't I go on Drogon?"

"You need time to think, ship is slower than dragon back, I know what needs to be done, you need to think"

Daenerys rubbed her eyes trying to stop tears. Rhaenyra walked over and hugged her tight. She pulled away and kissed her forehead.

"Come, the unsullied are waiting"

They walked out of the castle and down to the beach. The unsullied, Tyrion and Varys sat in dingys and waited for her.

"I'll see you there" Rhaenyra smiled and gave one last hug.

She watched them row away and waved bye. Rhaenyra looked up and saw Drogon was flying towards the ship with Aegon following behind. She made a calling sound that made Aegon and Drogon turn around and hand on the beach.

"We are going to put Cersei Lannisters head on a fucking spike" She smiled at the dragons before climbing into Aegon. "We will make the world fear Purple."

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