Chapter Twenty

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3rd person pov

Rhaenyra flew around on Aegon, the city was covered in Purple and Orange flames. She looked around for Daenerys. Rhaenyra flew around the back of the castle where she saw The Hound and Mountain fighting on a long staircase, the wall was busted out so she had a clear view of the fight. She watched the mountain punch the hound.

The Hound grabbed onto his brother and ran out the gap in the wall. They began to fall out of the sky.

"Sandor!" She screamed.

As quickly as she could she flew down and held out a hand for Sandor. If he tried to reach out Rhaenyra could pull him up on Aegon. He looked at her hand and smiled. He closed his eyes and laid back in the air.

Aegon pulled up as she almost hit a wall. Rhaenyra watched as the two hit the ground. Their bodies mangled up and blood everywhere. Rhaenyra started to cry, Bran walked her through the past, sometimes parts with Arya and the Hound, they bonded so well, he was like the father that was taken from her. Rhaenyras heart broke at the throughly of Aryas reaction. Aegon flew through the sky an roared.

She looked around as she saw ash replace the fire. She saw people running, crying, begging on their knees and shells of ash covering people who were in the way.

Rhaenyra began to see.. her sister went mad and she followed along. Innocent people died under both Targaryens command. Rhaenyra helped with it. With our Rhaenyra saying a word Aegon spat fire on a remaining building.

"Aegon stop!" She begged her.

Aegon stopped and flew around. Rhaenyra gripped her horns and pulled back. Aegon swerved back around and landed on a grass patch. Rhaenyra slid off her and looked at her big eyes.

"Daenerys has gone mad" Rhaenyra sighed and looked at her dragon. "Don't you go mad"

Aegon trilled and leaned down, wanting her to get back on. Rhaenyra chuckled and climbed back on. They flew around for a while and the ash covered everything like snow in the north.

Rhaenyra landed Aegon in the remains of the red keep. Daenerys did the same with Drogon. Drogon and Aegon laid down and slept while the ash covered them.

Rhaenyra walked out with Daenerys. The Unsullied stood facing her, the Dothraki were ululating and circling around in their horses while the Northmen watched. Dany stood at the top of the stairs, Tyrion stood next to Rhaenyra who both stood behind Daenerys.

"Blood of my blood. You kept all your promises to me. You killed my enemies in their iron suits. You tore down their stone houses. You gave me the Seven Kingdoms," Daenerys said them, speaking in High Valyrian. "Unsullied, all of you were torn from your mother's arms and raised as slaves. Now, you are liberators. You have freed the people of King's Landing from the grip of a tyrant. But the war is not over. We will not lay down our spears until we have liberated all the people of the world! From Winterfell to Dorne, from Lannisport to Qarth, from the Summer Isles to the Jade sea. Women, men and children have suffered too long beneath the wheel. Will you break the wheel with me?"

Everyone made agreeing sounds. Daenerys turned to Tyrion.

"You let your brother out" she stated.

"Aye I did... and you burnt a city"

Everyone stoped making noise and looked at the two. Tyrion grabbed his hand of the queen pin and threw it down the stairs. Daenerys looked at him with pure disgust.

"Take him" she said.

Two Unsullied guided him inside and held him in a room as his cell. Rhaenyra stood next to Daenerys.

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