Chapter Twenty Two

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Three weeks after Daenerys death
3rd person pov

Rhaenyra, Arya, Sansa and Bran were lined up on a dock. Jon stood at the end as he watched a dingy paddle over. When it docked her walked past each of his siblings. He hugged all of them then looked at Rhaenyra.

The look she gave him made his bones cold. He remembered a stare like that, a little boy he hung, Olly. Rhaenyra had the same stare and he looked at the ground.

"You're alive because of me" she told him.

"And I thank you for-"

"But my sister is dead because of you, I regret it now, I should've let them put you head on a spike."

He didn't have any words. He climbed into the boat and began to row away. Rhaenyra stared at him. He turned around so he didn't keep looking at her stare. Sansa and Arya left, leaving Rhaenyra and Bran.

"You did the right thing" Bran told her.

"But did he?"

"We wouldn't be here, the city would not be rebuilt if not for him, I'm not saying killing your sister was the right way to go about it but... you have to see this"

Rhaenyra stayed quiet and went behind his chair. She rolled him along staying quiet as they went back to the red keep. She rolled him into his room where Podrick stood in gold armour.

"Pod, you look so good I gold!" She smiled.

"Thank you my lad- your Grace" he bowed.

"It's ok, take bran to the council meeting please, I'll be there in a second"

Podrick nodded and left with Bran. Rhaenyra walked up every stair till she was in the tallest tower, Aegon was wrapped around it. Rhaenyra leaned out the window and looked at her.

"Hey" she smiled. "We are going to rebuild the dragon pit. You and Drogon can live there, when we find him"

Aegon trilled and made a yawning sound.

"Still tired? I mean I don't blame you two wars in a row and it's only been three weeks later, I'm still worn out" she chuckled. "I better go to the council meeting"

Rhaenyra left and walked back to the council room. There stood, Tyrion as hand, Sam as the maester, Brianne, Davos and Bronn were just there.

She walked in and one by one everyone stood up. She knew they were all meant to stand up together but they are learning so she let it slide.

"Your grace" they all said one after another.

"That needs to get better" She sat down in a chair next to Bran.

"It will, I promise" Tyrion said and she smiled.

"We seem to be missing a master of whisperers, and a master of law and a master of wars, and a master of coin" Bran said.

"Yes your grace, we are working on that" Tyrion answered.

"And Drogon?" He looked at Rhaenyra. "Any word?"

"He was last spotted flying east tow-" Sam begun but was cut off.

"The further away the better" Bronn said.

"Excuse me, you do not interrupt my maester, you will have you chance to speak." Rhaenyra scolded him.

"Perhaps I can find him" bran suggested. "Do carry on with the rest."

"As you wish your grace" Tyrion

"See Podrick" Brianne spoke to him.

Pod walked over with a big smiled on his face. Everyone stood up one after the other while Rhaenyra sat down still.

"We serve at your pleasure, King bran the broken" Tyrion cleared his throat. "And Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, long may they rein"

"Long may they rein" Was scatted from everyone after.

"That will improve" Tyrion said making up for their tardiness.

"I'm sure it will" Bran smirked.

Pod rolled his chair out and everyone sat. Rhaenyra looked at Bronn.

"I've heard stories of you, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, quite the man I imagine" Rhaenyra told him. "But your a gambler, I imagine you like having some coin?"

"Aye" He replied.

"That's settled then, Ser Bronn you have been elected at Master of coin, do you swear to serve the crown with honesty, respect and loyalty?"

"I do, your Grace, I swear it" He said.

"Ser Bronn of the black water, Lord of Highgarden, Lord paramount of the region and master of coin" Tyrion spoke again. "Would you say the crowns debt to you have been paid?"

"In full, my lord hand" he replied.

"Good! Time to start incurring a new one, we have hungry people to feed, can we expect some assistance in this regard?"

"Indeed we can"

Rhaenyra smiled at everyone who sat at the table. The first time she ever sat and people weren't yelling about something. It felt nice, peace felt nice.

"Lord Davos, we have ports to repair" Tyrion turned his attention to Davos.

"We do, these projects will begin as soon as master of coin and lord of lofty titles, provides funding" Davos eyed Bronn.

"Really?" Rhaenyra asked. "It was peaceful for a moment can we stop jumping at people? Davos I see where your coming from but not the way to go about it"

"Apologies my queen" Davos replied. "But will there be funding?"

"The master of coin looks forward to providing funding to the master of ships, but first he has to ensure that he's not wasting coin or soon there won't be no more coin"

"Anymore" Davos corrected him.

"Master of grammar now too?" Bronn asked which made Rhaenyra cackle.

"I'm sorry, that was funny" she apologised. "Do continue"

"Grand Maester!" Tyrion talked to Sam. "It is my theory, based on the work of the casterly rock sewers, that clean water leads to a healthier population"

"The arch maester has done some research on this subject and it turns out-" Sam was cut off again.

"The strong live and the weak don't" Bronn said with a sassy tone.

"Bronn, interrupt again and you will be revoked of all titles" Rhaenyra threatened him.

"Find the best builders and set them to the task" Tyrion told Sam.

"Speaking of builders, all the best brothels burned down" Bronn included. "The master of coin is willing to fund reconstruction"

"Uh.. the arch maester is less interested in the rebuilding of brothels" Sam told him.

"Well I imagine he wasn't using them properly" Bronn said making Rhaenyra laugh again.

"I think we can all agree that ships that presidents over brothels" Brianne said.

"I think that's a very presumptuous statement" Bronn replied again.

"I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel.." Tyrion started a joke.

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