Chapter Sixteen

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3rd person pov

Rhaenyra laid on her back while on Aegon. She stared at the sky and made pictures out of the clouds. Everything was peaceful, they were just of the shore of dragon stone, the three dragons were happy, the ships below were sailing and Daenerys felt better that she was out of the north.

Then a gut wrenching scream echoed the sky. Rhaenyra sat up and clutched onto Aegons horns. She looked around and saw a fleet with Greyjoy banners. A massive arrow shot up in the sky and just missed Rhaenyra and Aegon. She looked around and watched an arrow pierce Rhaegals throat.

"Blend!" She screamed and Aegon did.

Daenerys watched as her child fell from the sky, he cried out before he hit the water and sunk. Her eyes narrowed and and dived for the ships. Rhaenyra did the same with Aegon, it was easier because he blended in.

"Dracarys!" Daenerys yelled as she got closed.

Drogon lit up ships as more arrows flew past. Rhaenyra trailed behind and suddenly an arrow pierced Aegons wing. He began fully visible and couldn't balance himself.

Rhaenyra pulled his horns back and he swerved left. She looked at the ship that shot the arrow, it was the main one in the centre. Her teeth gritted and she swerved again. She aimed straight down to the ships and more arrows shot.

"Dracarys!" She screamed and lit up majority of the ships.

Aegon yelped as an arrow shot his stomach. He swerved and flew to the castle, he crashed into the beach and laid down. Rhaenyra slid off him and ran to the arrow in his wing. Her blood boiled as she saw the engravings, Lannister. Daenerys landed next to her on Drogon. She got of and ran over.

"Help me get this out!" Rhaenyra begged her sister.

They gripped the arrow and began to pull. They couldn't get it. Suddenly Drogon bit onto the end of it and pulled it out of his wing. Aegon stared at him and lifted his wing to show the one in his stomach.

The two women and the dragon began to pull. It was harder since it went through his scales and flesh. Eventually it came out and blood sprayed out. It coved Rhaenyra and Daenerys head to toe. Rhaenyra ripped her coat of and held it on the wound. It soaked up the blood.

"Rhae, move" Daenerys told her and they both stepped away.

Drogon crawled over and began to spray fire on the wound. Aegon cried out like a dying dog. Drogon pulled away the Targaryens we're shocked and surprised by the dragon's behaviour. Rhaenyra ran to Aegons face and stared into his eyes.

"They destroyed the ships, we must find out survivors" Daenerys held her sisters hand. "Tell them to go to the dragon mount, they'll be safe"

And that Rhaenyra did, she watched Drogon and Aegon fly over to the dragon mount. Aegon kept loosing his balance and it broke Rhaenyras heart as she saw. Daenerys and Rhaenyra scouted the beach to find anyone.

Unsullied began to swim ashore along with Dothraki. Rhaenyra saw Tyrion and ran over to him.

"Are you ok?" She helped him up.

"Yeah- I" Tyrion cut himself off as he saw her covered in blood. "Are you?"

"Oh, yes, it's not mine, Aegon was hurt" She told the dwarf.

"Missandei!" Grey worm yelled out as he looked around.

Rhaenyra and Tyrion began to look out to the water trying to find her but couldn't. The only two logical explanations for her being gone was

1. She's dead


2. She was taken captive

Rhaenyra thought about the scenarios that would happen with either two. Daenerys would break down and cry over her being dead but get revenge, or the second one, Daenerys would kill whoever took her and get her back.

Hours later

The remaining Unsullied and Dothraki were all gathered up and training or resting for the war that was to come. Rhaenyra laid in her bed. The dream she had nights before played in her head, it felt like she was in that moment. She sat up and got out of bed. She walked out of her room and to Danys war room.

She stopped before entering as she heard Tyrion. Daenerys was interrogating him.

"You didn't ask me first?" Daenerys said.

"No I-"

"Sansa told you that knowing you would tell more"

Tyrion stayed quiet knowing he couldn't win the debate.

"Jon snow is apparently Aegon Targaryen the son of my eldest brother and Lyanna Stark, so he's my nephew, does that not sound suspicious that the information came out from his best friend and weird brother?"

Weird brother Rhaenyra get ticked off that Daenerys said that about Bran but what was worse that Jon is their nephew. She sighed and walked in. Both turned to look at her.

"How long did you know?" Rhaenyra asked Tyrion.

"4 days, my Lady"

"You didn't think to tell me that I have a Nephew or that my nephew is Jon?" It ran through Rhaenyras mind.

"I- I apologised"

"You should be on your knees begging for forgiveness!" She snarled at him.

She thought he was a decent Lannister, not innocent but decent and trustworthy. She is to gullible. He stayed quiet.

"Leave us" Daenerys told him.

He left with his eyes darting the ground.

"How long did you know?" Rhaenyra asked her.

"7 days" She looked at Rhaenyra. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't know how"

"Who told you?"


"Why didn't Bran or Jon tell me?" She muttered and sat down.


Rhaenyra looked up at Daenerys. She hadn't called her that since the night before she was sold off.

"Dan-Dan" Rhaenyra smiled at Dany.

"Do you forgive me for not telling you?"

"I guess, but can we not hide anything anymore?" She asked wanting to tell her sister something.

"Sure, from now on.. no more secrets, no more hiding stuff we are completely honest with each other!" Daenerys smiled and sat in a chair across from her sister.

"Well, can I tell you something?" Rhaenyra shyly asked.

"Of course, anything"

Rhaenyra sighed and became teary eyed though, she had a huge smile.

"Im with child"

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