Chapter Twenty Five

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13 years later

3rd person pov

The years went by quick. Rhaenyra and Bran found it easier than expected to raise kids. They had 6 kids by the time the Twins turned 13. They had two sets of twins and two seperate equally there were three girls and three boys. Rhaenyra and Bran are both 30 and had the first set of twins at 17.

Rickon and Daenerys were the first set of twins and just turned 13. Helena and Leanor were the second set and had just turned 10 while Baela and Aemond were the seperate births. Baela was 7 and Aemond was 5.

Each had gotten a dragon from Aegon and Drogons litter that was incubated when the first twins were born. The family was settled at Kings Landing as it was finished in the rebuild.

The children were of white hair and purple eyes, all but Aemond, he was brown hair and brown eyes like his father but the skin of his mother.

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"Rickon!" Leanor screamed at his brother. "Give me it back!"

"Come get it!" Rickon laughed as he held his little brothers toy dragon.

They ran around the Throne room. The Iron tribe was reforged out of armour from the fallen men that had died 14 years ago in Rhaenyras sisters rage.

Baela and Aemond sat reading a book together while Daenerys and Helena practiced embroidery.

Bran was rolled in by Podrick which caused silence among the kids. They all stood up and acknowledged their father.

"Has anyone seen your mother?" He asked them.

"I saw her leaving with Lord Tyrion around 30 minutes ago" Helena told her father. "I heard them talking about the Dragon Pit"

"Oh" Bran replied as he knew he couldn't get there. "Thank you dear, I'll wait till she's home"

Bran began to leave till he heard Rickon teasing Leanor.

"Rickon, we did not raise you to behave like this to your own brother, give him his dragon back" Bran demanded.

"Sorry Father" Rickon sighed and gave the toy back.

As bran left Rickon stared again. Leanor got angry and kicked him. The two began to fight. Baela picked up Aemond and held him close as the two got more aggressive.

"Stop it!" Daenerys yelled at them. "Father will get angry!"

"What's he going to do? He can't walk" Rickon said after punching his brother to the ground.

"Leanor!" Helena ran over and helped him up. "I'm telling mother"

"Wait-" Rickon pleaded. "I'm sorry, don't tell mother"

"Don't tell me what?" Rhaenyra asked as she walked into the room with Tyrion behind her.

She looked at Rickons red fist and Leanors black eye. She ran over to her bruised son and kissed his head.

"I leave for half an hour and you fight?" She asked them. "How are we going to have a ball tonight if you constantly fight?"

"We are having a ball?" Daenerys asked.

"It's your 13th name day, of course" Rhaenyra smiled at her first Twins. "Anything for my kids, but you have to stop the fighting!"

"Yes Mother" Laenor said.

"Yes Mother" Rickon bowed his head.

"Great, go to you rooms, there are clothes laid out on your beds" Rhaenyra told them. "Baela, Aemond, come with me I'll help you"

"Mother?" Helena asked.

"Yes dear?" Rhaenyra turned to look at her daughter.

"I'm scared"

"Of what?"

Helena looked at the ground then her embroidery work. She picked it up and handed it to her mother.

"What's this?"

"The ball"

The embodiment had a young boy being held with a knife.

"It's just your imagination, don't worry honey" Rhaenyra tried to avoid the subject.

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The ball had been going for a few hours. Music was playing, people were happy, lots of the wine went to Tyrion and the kids were having fun. Rhaenyra danced with Tyrion as they did when they were on dragon stone.

Sansa, Arya, Davos, Yara, Bronn, Tyrion and some of the small folk were gathered in the Throne room as buffets of food and a wide dance floor was available.

"Are you sure your husband is ok with this?" He asked Rhaenyra as he mad eye contact with Bran who sat next to the Throne.

"I'll dance with him later" Rhaenyra giggled as they danced in a circle.  "If you know what I mean"

Tyrion chuckled at her words. They danced as they held one another's hands.

"Mother?" Helena walked over.

"Yes?" Rhaenyra stopped dancing and bend down to her daughters level. "Something wrong?"

"I'm seeing things"

"Like what?"

"You and my aunt"

"Sansa or Arya?" Rhaenyra looked concerned.


Helena stared at her mother with goldfish eyes. Tyrion looked far more than concerned and glanced at his queen to read her expression.

"One second Tyrion." Rhaenyra held her daughters hand and walked to Bran. "Hey honey, Helena claims she is seeing thing, why don't you tell daddy what you saw ok?"

Helena climbed onto her fathers lap and sat while she told him the story. As she explained what she saw Brans face went blank. Rhaenyra understood what was happening.

"Then the man stabbed her, and mother couldn't move, she screamed and cried" Helena told her father.

Rhaenyras mind reminded back 14 years, 7 months and two days... When Jon killed Dany. Tears slipped from her eyes and Helena stopped talking.

"Mother?" She asked once.

"I'll be outside" Rhaenyra sniffed and left the hall making heads turn in her direction.

She sat outside on a wooden bench. Staring into the moonlit sky she saw Aegon, Drogon and their seven babies flying across the sky, due to Rhaenyra only haven six kids one was left unclaimed.

Though the one thought to be a misfit, smaller than the rest at birth but larger than the rest only 14 years later. Had been claimed by Helena. Each child had their own dragon.

Rickon had Maraxes, a boy, who was red and had webbed feet with Golden eyes. Breathed out a orange flame.

Daenerys had Nymeria, a girl, who was a light grey with black spots like a cow and purple eyes like Aegon. Breathed out an orange flame.

Helena had Dagarha, a boy, who was green and hatched from the smallest egg years ago now the largest out of his siblings, and beautiful black eyes. Breathed out a purple flame like Aegon.

Laenor had Falkor, a boy, who was a light blue and had purple eyes like his mother too. Breathed out an orange flame.

Baela had Diaval, a girl, who was black like Drogon and had white spikes like Aegon and green eyes. Breathed out an orange flame.

Aemond had Kaida, a girl, the smallest out of all of them. She had black and dark blue scales, blue eyes to match and a blue fame.

The unclaimed was a replica of Aegon, but smaller than her. It was a Boy, and Rhaenyra made sure to be correct on that. She sat thinking of names.

"Rhaegal?" She questioned herself.

It got her mind of Daenerys. She missed her sister dearly but she now had a piece of mind that's calm and loving. She was happy, with her husband, her friends and her children. She couldn't ask for more.

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