Chapter Seven

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Around ep 6/8 of season 6 Rhaenyra is 14-15
3rd person pov

Rhaenyra and Aegon had travels for about a month and a half. She went to taverns and listened to people talk. Eventually she heard about her sister. She took over a city, and freed the slaves. Meereen. So they headed there. Aegon was flying past a massive pyramid, he was bigger than around half the size of it.

Suddenly a giant ball of fire flew right passed him and hit the pyramid. The suddenness made him loose his balance and Rhaenyra almost fell off but pulled on his horns to stay on. She looked around and saw ships in the bay firing at the city. It was her sisters city. She had to protect it. Aegon flew down and when Rhaenyra said the words he started burning ships to a crisp.


He was on the last ship then, a faded black dragon burnt it down. He was obviously smaller than Aegon, but want afraid. Rhaenyra looked around and saw someone was on it. Aegon flew around so she could get a better look.

"Dany!" She screamed out.

They landed on a mountain and got off their dragons. Rhaenyra ran excitedly to her sister and trapped her in a hug. Daenerys hugged her back and almost cried. They stoped back and Daenerys looked at Aegon.

"Is he from the egg I gave you?" Dany asked.

"Yes, he was quite small when he hatched though, about the size of a kitten." Rhaenyra had answered with tears still rolling down her cheeks still.

"He's massive..." Dany walked up to him and he growled. "He's beautiful, what's his name?"

"Aegon" she smiled and wiped her tears.

"How did he hatch?"

"The Greywater Watch castle had burnt down and his egg was inside of my room, I didn't have time to get him, when the fire was out he was crawling around on top of me... what about yours?"

"I tried to burn the eggs with my husband after he passed, they belonged with him... I walked into the fire wanting to go with the four of them them, but when the fire died I was still alive, asleep but alive and when I woke up I walked out with three baby dragons"

They went back to the big pyramid and the dragons flew around outside. Rhaenyra met all of her friends, her hand Tyrion fucking Lannister, her translator Missandei, and commander of her armies Grey Worm.

"So, Aegon... he seems like he is bigger than Balerion." Daenerys brought him up again.

"He is actually I uh, I went through some old books I found, Balerion was believed to be the biggest ever, I guess Aegon broke the record" She nervously laughed.

"He will be a very good fighter" Daenerys poured wine. "I'm going to get the Iron Throne, and I will fight for it... will you help me? I need you and Aegon, you will both be large aspects of my army."

"I don't want to fight in a war." Rhaenyra said and Daenerys stoped taking a sip of her wine. "But I will fight for my sister"

"So you'll help me?"

"I will" she smiled. "Our family ruled the Seven Kingdoms for centuries, we will continue that rule"

"So, now that we got that out of they way... where have you been?" They sat down on a sofa.

"Well, when Vis died Howland Reed adopted me instead of marrying me to Jojen" Rhaenyra told her story. "And since the castle burned down, I've been on the other side of the wall, traveling with Jojen, Meera and Bran Stark"

"Stark, like from winterfell?"

"Exactly, I think I may have feelings for him"

"Why did you leave him then?"

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