Chaoter Twenty Three

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7 months later, Bran and Rhaenyra are married. And are staying at dragon stone while the rest of the red keep is being repaired.
3rd person pov

Rhaenyra laid in her new bed next to Bran. She tossed and turned in her sleep. She dreamed of her sister.

"Rhae-Rhae!" Her voice called.

Little Rhaenyra ran out and jumped into Daenerys arms. They hugged and giggled for a minute until their brother walked in. Viserys looked at the two and smiled.

"Rhaenyra, I have a gift for you" He kneeled down to her height.

She smiled up at him.

"You're going to be betrothed! How fun is that?" He laughed.

"Vis you can't be serious!" Daenerys stood up. "She's 10!"

"And I am the Dragon, it will only be used as an alliance with the houses for support till I get my Throne"

Rhaenyra watched as the two argued. A gasp came from the little one as Dany was struck to the ground. Viserys snarled at her and left the room. Rhaenyra ran over to her sister.

Daenerys turned to look at her. Rhaenyra screamed, her face was ripped off, it was all muscle and bones. The ground collapsed in and Rhaenyra fell through.

"Daenerys!" Rhaenyra screamed as she jolted awake.

Bran woke up and sat up. He looked at her as she breathed heavily. She was shaking till Brans arm wrapped around her. The scream was loud enough for Brianne and Pod who were stationed down the hall to come running in.

"Are you alright your grace?" Brianne asked as her hand was tightly placed on the handle of her sword.

"Her grace would like some milk of the poppy" Bran answered for Rhaenyra. "That is all"

Brianne and Pod left to fetch milk of the poppy. Rhaenyra began to cry, she missed her sister, she stood and watched as she died and did nothing but scream, she took her throne. It messed with her mind.

She felt sick, dizzy and tired.

Rhaenyra fell back into the bed and began to shake uncontrollably. White foam frothed at her mouth and trailed down her neck.

"Help!" Bran called out. "The Queen!"

Brianne and Pod, with Sam rushed in and looked at the sight before acting. Sam ran over and turned her on her side. He slipped a small drop of some unknown liquid into her mouth. He stepped back and watched ash she stopped shaking.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"She had a nightmare, woke up and started doing that" Bran said with a worried tone.

"When she wakes up again she is going to need water, and milk of the poppy" Sam told him as he pulled stuff out of his pockets. "Here"

He placed a small glass bottle of water and a smaller glass bottle that contained milk of the poppy on the nightstand. Bran excused them all and they left. He laid on his side staring at his wife.

"I love you" He told her.

* * *

2 months later

Rhaenyra sat on a small bench in the middle of the large garden. The afternoon sunlight shined through the bushes and trees. Her light pink dress sparked as the sun hit it. She held onto a cup of water mixed with milk of the poppy.

"My queen" Tyrion slowly walked over. "How are you?"

"Im good, I'm still having frequent seizures... but I'm okay"

"May I?" He asked pointing at the space next to her.

She silently nodded and sipped on her drink.

"I'm not the same anymore" she sighed and looked at the ground. "I used to be brave, beautiful, strong and I rode the largest dragon in the world"

"You are still all of those things"

"No I'm not, I'm weak, ugly and fat!" She complained looking at her stomach.

"You are not, please stop saying that" Tyrion begged her. "You are not weak, nor ugly, or fat, you have a stomach from being pregnant with Twins"

"I miss my sister" Rhaenyra looked at Tyrion with eyes that swelled with tears.

"I know you do" he put a hand on hers. "But you must continue"

Rhaenyra leaned in and hugged him. She sobbed into his shoulder. He hugged her back and comforted her. From afar Bran sat with Podrick watching the two.

"She needs you, your grace" Podrick told him. "Since her nightmare two months ago, she has only needed you"

Bran stared at the man who was hugging his wife. He didn't feel angry about her showing affection to Tyrion. He felt jealous that he couldn't be in that spot, sitting next to his wife, comforting her, hugging her.

"Take me to them"

Podrick pushed his chair out and rolled it in the gravel. They got to Rhaenyra and Tyrion. The two stopped hugging and looked at Bran.

"His grace wishes to be alone with his wife" Podrick told Tyrion.

Tyrion's stood up and helped Bran move from his chair to the bench. Tyrion walked off with Podrick and laughed about Bronn.

"Rhaenyra?" He asked.

"Yes Bran?" She sobbed between words.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. She laid into his chest and cried.

"I'm sorry" He muttered. "I'm sorry I can't give you the support you need."

"It's okay Bran"

They stayed on the bench till the sun went down. She helped Bran into his chair and began to push him inside. They made their way through the corridors and stopped as Rhaenyra gasped.

"are you alright?" Bran asked as he turned his head to see her. "Rhaenyra!"

Rhaenyra was on the floor and shaking again.

"Help!" Bran yelled.

He looked at Rhaenyra as it was all he could do. Podrick and Tyrion ran through the halls as they heard the call for help. They stopped just before Rhaenyra.

"She is seizing!" Tyrion exclaimed and rolled her on her side. "Get Samwell!"

Podrick nodded and ran to find Sam. Tyrion held her on her side and observed her. His face went white, he saw a pool of blood seeping from her dress. Tyrion looked at the king with fear.

"She's going to give birth"

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