Chapter 20

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The sun had started to rise which set a cool orange and pink view. We have made a lot of distance from driving but it was the sign that read 5 miles til the motorway that kinda made me wish we drove slower.

Draven had dozed off a couple hours ago and surprisingly no one had woken up. Which brings me currently wondering if I should try and wake someone up because I'm bored of driving now.

Miles is still recovering so not him, Evelyn hasn't learned to drive properly and I don't know about Daniel. He seemed sure he could back at school so I guess he could be a potential candidate.

"Daniel you awake back there?" I think I should go for the subtle approach. He doesn't budge like not even a little. Okay I guess I could drive for a few more hours.

"He's been awake for awhile" Draven makes me jump as his eyes are closed which made it seem like he was sleeping. Has he been awake the whole time?

"Didn't see you as the snitch type" Daniel says and now I'm wondering who else is awake. Daniel adjusts his position so that he's sitting forward with his arms on both mine and Dravens chairs.

" you were both fake sleeping?" Should I be hurt a little but not really. Actually I don't even care. At least I have two people to ask now. This means their voices might wake the others up.

"I was asleep until you spoke" Draven still hasn't even opened his eyes. Now I feel bad, I should have known that he was a light sleeper. I'm a light sleeper but not that light.

"Me too" I glared at Daniel he's clearly lying. I mean I didn't know he was awake but some how Draven did. I look back to see Evelyn start to wake but I know to give her a few minutes before talking or I'll get an attitude.

"He has been awake for some time since he's been kicking my foot for the past ten minutes!" Miles groans as he tries to stretch out his legs but fails miserably. He seems chirpier today.

"I was only kicking you so that you'd get the hint and move over" Daniel responds. This is actually quite entertaining to me. Miles mumbles something under his breath which caused Daniel to look embarrassed.

"I need to stretch can we pull over" Eve grumbles and I can't help but let out a laugh. She glared at me through the mirror. We are almost at the highway so I don't know if I should.

"Three hours it is" Draven murmurs as if he had been arguing with himself for the last few minutes whether to get more sleep or not. Well he kinda has no choice with them waking up.

"Pull over I need to take a leak" Daniel tried to reach for an empty bottle but I slap his hand away. Do I semi wish that they didn't wake up yes but do I have any control over that no.

I slam on the break and turn the engine off. "Was there any need for the aggressive break?" Miles moans but I just open my door and step out. It's soon followed by them and their satisfied moans from stretching.

"No one look" Daniels says as he jogs off to the side to release whatever he had been holding in. Evelyns face scrunches up and she sips on some water she had gotten from the trunk.

"Oh yes because everyone wants to see" Evelyn calls sarcastically. Well this is a very chaotic morning to say the least. Draven stands next to me and I have to admit he looks half dead.

"Regret staying up?" I joke and he looks less then pleased that I'm taking pleasure in his groggy state. Well he better wake up because the next couple hours are going to either be super risky or non existent

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