Chapter 15

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The cars engine being turned off forces me to stop dozing and refocus on what's happening. My hand aches from the weight of the gun that I might have forgotten was in my possession.

I glance at the other three in the back but they're all out cold. "Why have we stopped?" I ask and he gives me a questioning look. I can barely see since it's dark out so he could've taken us in a big circle and I wouldn't know.

"You asked. I delivered" he moves to open the door causing me to point the gun higher. He shows me his hands before slowly opening the door. Where is he going?

I take my free hand and shake Evelyn awake. She groans as she rubs her eyes whilst looking up at me. "Wake the other two up" she nods as I step out of the truck into the bitter air.

I silently close my door as I walk around to Draven. "There's no need for the gun" that's not relevant to me whether I needed it or not. It gave me an advantage over an enemy. He could switch and try something. I don't trust him.

"You would say that wouldn't you" his fists clench slightly "shall we?" I say as I push him to show me how to get into this tree house looking thing. It's old decaying build isn't inviting one bit.

"If I was a threat I would've killed you by now. Especially when you was sleeping with your finger off the trigger." He smirks as he pushes forward with me who trials behind. I wasn't sleeping I was just resting my eyes for a second or two.

He stands at the bottom of a fairly large tree looking up. "Threat or not I still don't see how we get into this thing" I admire the high structure as the zombies wont be able to reach it.

It looks big but I could be fooled as what can some wood really be. "I can show you but......I need a knife" immediately I back up a few steps as I think he's going to try something

"What a coincidence Draven" he rolls his eyes as he pulls a knife out of his shoe making my eyes bulge. I feel around in my pocket and feel one less knife than before

"Like I said before if I was a threat You'd be dead" he stands back as I still try and wrap my head around how he got that knife whilst driving and without me who's a light sleeper to wake up.

He throws the knife into the trunk of the tree branch and I feel satisfied. Now he doesn't have one. I didn't see the reason why he done that until a swing on a rope came flying down merely missing smashing into me.

I hear Draven chuckle so I glare at him. "Ladies first" he points to the swing. I usher him over with the gun. He seems irritated but I grin when he actually does and follows me back to the car where the other three are all awake.

"It seems alright nothing special but enough for us to heal. Grab the supplies from the back and we will figure out this mess" it feels weird thinking about staying in something that's high in the air with no escape. Okay I think I'll sleep in the car.

They're tired I can tell from the sluggish movements as they grab the supplies. Miles adrenaline seems to have ran out as he flinches with every step and I stop him from carrying anything.

It's quiet which is odd but I think everyone's catching up on what's happened. "Miles you're hurt I need to get you up first" I say and I know he's in pain because he doesn't protest but just sits on the swing whilst Draven grabs the rope.

He starts to hoist him up and I'm shocked that he is actually doing it by himself before Daniel realises and starts to pull on the rope too. He is stronger than I originally anticipated.

It didn't take long for Evelyn to be helped up next and then Daniel which just left myself and Draven. I can hear their murmured voices from above which settles my unnerved stomach.

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