Our Starting Revolution

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Improve ourselves to be more like our father
Because "often enough" is never truly enough
So, change is the first thing we understood but never did
Yet we still try to perfect our outer-self but never the inside
That's why acceptance is key

That's why we should be ourselves and love what's true
And learn that habits are such funny things but not always hard to change
So let's not get stuck in our way's
Never allowing an easy way out
Because we believe there's never any true excitement in being ourselves

And some think a boring life is a good one
But we always try so hard to be different
Yet we never try new things out of fear
But we know it won't work if we don't put in the effort
So we should choose to adapt and keep changing

But some think it's to much work
And lose control over themselves
While other's don't wanna change
And the rest don't know the ending
That's why there's too much outer change, and not enough inner change

So we should let ourselves be taught by him
And learn the truth of the world
While keeping his spirits in our hearts
Because some believe in his righteousness
But we all know we're born in sin, but he saved us so we could do better

And he makes us a new person yet we never truly embrace it
Even though the old life is gone, we're not living in reality yet
But now the new life has begun, but we still live by our old ways
And he even set a path before us but, we've become so conformed
So he wants us to become better tansformed, yet we're still stuck

Because the world can change in the blink of an eye
And god's glory may no longer be a worry
But he tried his best to make us in his image
And even left behind for us, his spirit
So we never forget his presence

But in this new era theres a lot of contemplation going around
Yet now with more faces being unveiled, they lie instead
Because no ones truly ready to open up to him
So now we feel with less resistance we can do more
But for most, change is too hard

That's why there's the law of nature
Yet we somehow get stuck in societies roundabout
And no one ever really wants to yield
But we wanna gain more from his promises
Which is why we know action is always required, but never followed

Uncontrollable Heart Book 2 (Poetry) (Journaling)Where stories live. Discover now