Love You Forever! <3 - Chapter 5

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Heyyyy :D

Here's chapter five for you guys. :)

Rachel's POV:

On our way back home, I had made up my mind to speak to Anne about Adam.

"Hello kiddos!" My Grandma welcomed us.

"Hey!" We both smiled at her.

"So, how was your day at work?"

"It was amazing. We did....."

And Anne went on about what all she did today. She told her about the new friends we made, though it felt wierd to call Austin my friend. She told her how sweet Hilarry was and how much fun it was with Austin. But she didn't utter a word about Adam.

"Anne I guess you forgot to mention Adam." I told her.

"Oh yeah." she gave me a I-am-not-interested-in-talking-about-him look. "Its cool, doesn't matter. Anyways I'm starving. What's for dinner?" She changed the topic.

I just frowned at her.

"I've made pasta in red sauce with some cheese chilly toast!" Grandma announced.


"Grand ma! You know I'm on a diet. I'll just have some salad." Anne said.

Grandma just rolled her eyes and made her way to the kitchen. Yeah, this was the right time to talk to Anne.

"Hey Anne?"

"Yeah hun?"

"Um, why don't you talk to Adam properly? I mean he seems to be pretty sweet."

"Oh god. Is this the only topic you have to talk about?" She groaned.

"Oh common. Its just a simple question."

"Okay. I'll tell you why. I find him completely wierd. He keeps staring at me for no reason. I overheard him talking to Austin this afternoon and Adam told him that he doesn't really like me. Then isn't it wierd that he keeps staring?"

"Um. No Anne, maybe your taking it wrong. Just talk to him. Maybe you'll can be friends."

"Please no." She whinned.

"Anne! Common. Give him a chance. He actually might be quite a lot of fun."

"Your not going to chuck this topic unless I give in right?"

I smiled cheekily.

"Pweeeeaaaasssseeee?" I begged.

"Ugh. Okay. I'll talk to him."

"And be nice to him?"

"Yeah whatever."

"Yay! I love you Anne." I screeched giving her a bear hug.

"Stop! You're crushing me."

"Oh, uh. Sorry." I grinned at her.

"Common Rachel, dinner is ready. And Anne? Your yet welcome to eat."

"Na, I'll just have some salad and yogurt."

"As you wish. Common Rachel. I'm starving!" Grandma exclaimed.

"Me too." I grinned and made my way to the dining room. The food smelle lovely and it tasted even better. I ate happily ignoring the glares Anne was shooting me looking at the amount I ate. I knew she was jealous. Because the fact is, though I eat loads, I gain no weight. Ha! Maybe I have a stomach similar to Niall Horan. Okay, agreed am 24 and all One Direction members are younger then me, I truly loved 1D. Their music is amazing.

After dinner, I changed into some sweat pants and a simple tshirt that said, surf gurl. Till then my dad came home. I went to have a chat with him with a huge smile on my face.

"Hey Dad!" I greeted him.

"Hello love. How was your day at work?"

"It was amazing! But I have just one question. Why is Dr. Kylie so strict and annoying?" I frowned at him.

Being the senior most doctor and everyones boss at the Regal Union Hospital, he went on about how she was just trying to complete her job, what an amazing doctor she is and how working under her would give us a lot of experience. After that, he made his way to his room. I wished him good night slowly crawling in bed. I put my ipod on shuffle and put my earphones on. The first that came up was Little Things by One Direction. Oh, how much I loved this song. When Niall's part came, I remembered his blue eyes after which an image of Austin's blue eyes flashed in my mind. His eyes were so beautiful and amazing. And...ugh! Again I'm thinking about him! I really need to go to sleep.


Austin's POV:

Gosh! Today was exhausting. But it was fun. I had just finished dinner and was lying down on my bed. Hmm. I hadn't checked my Facebook since a very long time. So I logged on to the Facebook application on my Iphone. I scrolled through all my new friend requests.

Holy crap! I had 500 new friend requests? I mean yeah I was popular at Uni but 500 friend requests was too much. I scrolled through them accepting those I knew. Just after a minute or I got a friend request from Adam. I gladly accepted it. I decided to send Hillary and Anne friend requests. Me and Rachel weren't friends as such. So I dropped the idea of sending her a friend request. Though I didn't forget to check her profile. After half an hour of scrolling through people's uploads and posts and stuff, I noticed I had 2 notifications. I saw that Anne and Hillary both had accepted my friend request.

I smiled and typed Rachel Mathew in the search bar and instantly found her because Anne and Hillary had accepted my request and Adam was a mutual friend. I clicked on her display picture in which she

My mouth must have surely dropped to the floor. She was in some club, which I could make out from the background. She had worn a black dress which reached just above her knees. Then I noticed that she had no make up on. How can someone manage to look so pretty without make up?

I came out of my deep thinking when instead of selecting the exit button, I clicked on add friend. Oh shit. But very quickly a smile came up to my face because she had accepted my friend request.

My stomach did a flip and its that time when I realised that, I was genuinely pleased and happy that she had accepted my request.


Rachel's POV:

Just when I was on the verge of sleeping, I felt my phone vibrate beside me. Ughhhh. Can't anyone let me sleep in peace?

I lazily unlocked my phone and noticed that I had a new friend request from...The Jerk himself!

That when I got this wierd excitement grow in me. Crap! I never reacted this way over a friend request. I simply ignored that feeling and accepted the friend request and went back to sleep. Soon enough, I dozed off. The only thing I remember was the huge smile that crept on my face on accepting his friend request.


Author's Note:


It'll mean a lot to me! Please :)


Simran :)

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