Love You Forever! <3 - Chapter 21

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Rachel's POV:

I was seated on the sofa while I saw Austin pacing from here to there waiting for the cops to arrive.

"Austin! Calm down. They'll be here. You called them hardly 2 minutes back." I told him.

He just shook his head and continued roaming around.

The cops were here in the next three minutes. Yes I was counting!

Austin rushed to them and told them what all happened. Right from someone trying to poison me to someone throwing the the stone inside my house.

"Okay sir. We'll try to find out who it is. Miss. Rachel, do you have any enemies or do you know anyone who would try to harm you?" The lady cop asked me.

"No I don't know anyone who could do that. And as far as enemies are concerned, I never had any." I answered.

"Um okay." She said walking towards the other cop until her eyes landed on Annalie.

"She's so cute. What's her name?" She asked pinching Annalie's cheek while Annalie gave her a weird look. I never thought the cops were so friendly.

"She's Annalie." I said.

"Hey Annalie! How old are you?" She asked her.

"I am two ywears old." She replied softly, going back to playing with her toys.

The other cop cleared his thought to get her attention. "I guess you're still on duty." He said in a commanding voice.

She smiled at me sheepishly and went back to where her boss (the male cop) was standing.

I wanted to laugh at her, because she went from the cope mode to a total fun-loving person which didn't suit her at all.

"Okay sir, we'll try room find out ASAP who did this. Don't worry ma'am, we'll make sure something like this doesn't happen." The cop told Austin and me.

Austin nodded and waited for them to leave.

"You okay?" He asked collapsing on the sofa next to me.

"Yeah. Are you okay?"

"If you're fine, I'm fine too." He smiled and then looked at Annalie who was staring at intently.

He sneaked at glance at me, smiled and turned back to face her.

"What's wrong sweet heart?" He asked her pulling her in his lap.

"Me want to slweep." She said resting her head on his arm.

"Okay. Lets go up." He said getting up and pulling me up with his other hand.

"You go, I'll come." I said lazily.

"Stop being so lazy." He said laughing. "Get up." He ordered.

I groaned and got up.

"You're so annoying." I said leaning onto him.

"Thankyou." He smirked.

"It wasn't a compliment." I said raising my eyebrow.

"Well, I took it as one?" He mocked.

"Haha very funny." I said sarcastically.

"You're so cute!" He exclaimed.

And there I could feel myself blushing again.

"Stop doing that." I argued.

"Doing what?" He asked innocently.

I looked up at him and he winked at me. I just rolled my eyes and opened the door to my room.

Annalie was almost asleep, her head resting on his shoulder now. They looked so cute.

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