Love You Forever! <3 - Chapter 18

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Austin's POV :

I held Rachel in time, otherwise she was sure to hit the floor.

"Rachel? Rachel.. Get up love.. Rachel.. Rachel? RACHEL!" I screamed trying to wake her up. After numerous efforts too, she didn't blink even her eyes. What was wrong? I checked her pulse and damn! Her pulse was going slow.

"Shit guys! Her pulse is going low." We need to get her admitted. Now." I said picking her up bridal style and straight to the observation room.

I wasn't really aware who had called Kylie, but she was already by the room when we reached and she took charge.

"Ma'am please let me in." I said trying to get into the room. But she stopped me. Why?

"No doctor. I will manage. Please wait outside." She said sternly.

"But ma'am.."

"No! Stay here. And Dr. Adam and Dr. Ross. Please handle all my duties right now. I am going to handle this case." She said interrupting me and went inside.

They nodded and went to cover up for Kylie's duties. Quietly I went and sat on the bench outside. What could possibly have been the reason? Had she not eaten? No but she's quiet fit that way. Skipping one meal wouldn't make her faint. Think Austin think. I was with her the whole day. Oh god.

All of us sat nervously outside the room. It was almost an hour. It was just then when we saw Kylie come out.

Anne was the first who ran upto her. "Ma'am is she alright?" She asked with her eyes almost red. Of course she was crying. It was her sister after all.

"Well, we ran some tests and we found some poisin in her blood."

"WHAT?!" All of us screamed.

"Yeah that's right. Now guys tell me what all she ate right from yesterday. It doesn't take much time for it to affect the body. It was Rat Poisin."

Rat poisin?

"Well, yesterday night just had some soup for dinner. Today morning some cereal and then she hasn't eaten anything since then." Anne said. "I'm not sure whether she did take anything when she was on duty. Did she Austin?" She asked me.

"No. She just had water in the cafe- wait. She had had juice in the middle. We called for it in the afternoon. But even I had the same." I said.

How could anyone poisin Rachel. That is pathetic. But the main thing to think about is that if I drank the same juice, how come nothing happened to me?

"Uh okay. Well, if you had the same, is it possible that someone put it just in her drink?" Kylie asked.

"That is possible. But who would do such a horrible thing?" Hillary said.

"Anne, does she have some kind of enemity with anyone?" Kylie asked Anne.

"What? No. Rachel doesn't. I'm sure." She said.

"Um, okay. So I've already called Dr. George and made and informed him what has happened. He'll be here soon." Kylie said walking back into the room.

Anne sat down on the bench and I could see tears brimming in her eyes. I went and sat beside her.

"Anne, don't cry please. I'm sure she'll be fine. She's strong. She won't leave us or you or me."

"I know. But I'm just scared. Who could do this to Rachel?"

"Whoever it is, I'll kill that person." I said, my hand turning into a fist.

She chuckled softly and asked, "You really like her, don't you?"

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