All Over Again

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Hey! This is my first story. Am new on Wattpad & i LOVE it ! :D anyways, please tell me what you think of it and please be sweet. :P

- H. :)

Chapter 1.

They say love is blind. It's everlasting, all encompassing, it makes you complete, blah, blah, blah. People call themselves soul-mates. They share lovey-dovey conversations. They claim to know each other inside out. And they say that they can't bear to be without their ''better half''. Well, if you ask me, all this breath-hitching, going weak in the knees and things like that don't actually happen. They're just phrases that-


I shot back into the real World and turned my head to see a very frustrated red headed skinny girl waiting for me. I got up, dusted off my jeans and walked up to my best friend, Laureen, one of the most beautiful girls in town. I swear, the girl had the perfect body and i admit, sometimes, i feel jealous. (Don't blame me, it's like she walked out of a Vogue magazine, for God's sake). Walking to her, i prepared myself for an outburst (she's dramatic like that).

''You should really check your ears you know.'' Laureen said.

''Sorry'', i replied.

''We'll talk about it later. Get in the car, we're getting late for the movie.''

We both walked to the car and got in. I switched on the radio and the car was filled with the awesomeness known as ''Three Days Grace''. I love that band! We put the windows down since it was a nice & breezy day. I was singing along when i remembered,

''Did i tell you that Ann is coming along?'' I asked Lau.

''What? I thought this was you and me time. Catching up.''

''Yes but she had no plans today and was bored so i invited her too. Is that a problem?'' i asked her.

''Is it me or are you trying to avoid alone time ?!'' she asked with a worried expression.

I sighed. Sometimes I really did not know how to handle her.

''Ofcourse not, you paranoid being. Why would you think that?''

"I don't know. It's like you don't spend time with me anymore. Sometimes i feel like you're avoiding me.'' she said, looking at me.

Argh! ''Seriously, Lau ! You sound like a clingy girlfriend.'' Then, looking up in the direction of God, i said, ''Why me? What have i done?'' holding my hands up in irritation.

She looked at me like she was going to cry. I wonder how she gets all those guys flocking behind her. I guess it will always remain a mystery.

''Lau. You're my bestie. And you will always be my bestie. Okay? Chill it, lady.''

''Alright alright. Did Ann say anything about picking her up?'' she asked.

''No. She said she'll meet us at the theatre. Which movie are we going for, anyways?'' i asked her.

"Do you ever listen to anything i say? The Dark Knight..." she said.

Shoot. I should've just left it. "Oh, right. I remember you telling me. I just forgot. Small brains, you see.", giving her an apologetic smile.

"Whatever.", she replied bluntly.

I decided to leave the coversation at that as i was in no mood to argue. I just turned towards the window and randomly stared into space. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out and found a text from Ann asking where we were. I looked to the road, contemplating how much time it would take us to reach. We were only about ten minutes away but looking at the traffic it would take more than that. I replied saying we'd be there in about fifteen minutes.

"When's the movie starting, Lau?", i asked.

"In about twenty minutes", she said.

Seeing as we'd reach in time i laid back comfortably in my seat.

Me and Lau were just chatting about school, the tests coming up next week. We did have a lot to study and Mrs. Woodsen will not tolerate just scraping through.

Lau was like, "I haven't even started Economics yet. God, i have so much to-


Ya that's about it for the first chapter. Hope you'll like it *nervous laugh*. :P

Anyways, i'll do a proper introduction of Kat in the next chapter. :))

Till then. x

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