Chapter 4

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I got down from the bus and looked at my school.

It wasn't Hogwarts, but it was pretty cool. The main building was a faded red with this not so welcoming entrance to it. But once you go inside, it gets better. Further inside were more buildings each for different departments and activities. It was one of the largest schools in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, my hometown. It's pretty ancient, the school, going back to the 19th century, built in memory of Father Xavier. It was the best reputed school in Sheffield. 

I walked to the basketball court next to the main building. Yes, i was the star basketball player on the girls' team. Ha! whom am i kidding? Truth is, i couldn't shoot a hoop even if my life depended on it. (ok, maybe, then. but the chances were terrifying) Lau was the Basketball player here.

She waved from where the team huddled up with the Coach giving them pointers for their next match. I waved back. I thought i'll probably wait for Lau to come so we could walk to class together.

''Hey, K.'' said a familiar voice.

I turned to see the cutest doll of a friend of mine, with a cream coloured skin and fringes almost always covering her eyes, Nikita Ahern. We've been friends for quite a while now and she's one among my closest ones. 

''Hi, Nikki.'' i grinned at her.

''What's up, Shorty?'' she asked in this gang-ly voice which was an epic fail. About the Shorty thing, well, you see, i'm kind of tall and she well, a few inches shorter. So, calling me Shorty was a tit for tat thing according to her logic. Don't ask me! She's the one with the logic.

''Just waiting for Lau to finish up.'' i replied.

''Oh. Isn't their match coming up this Thursday? I should probably give her some of my techniques.'' said Nikki.

Yes, both of us are hopeless at basketball.

Lau came jogging to us in her red shorts and white jersey, panting a little.

''I'll go freshen up. You guys carry on, i'll see you in class.'' she said.

''Alright, see ya later Jennings!'' said Nikki, and we both walked to a brow stone building and went into the second class down the corridor for the first period of the day, Math.

Mr. Doug Mallinock, our math professor, who i'm sure was as old as this school, hadn't come yet. So we took our places in the middle row and started chatting till he came.

''So, i heard something about you and Lau getting into an accident. What happened?'' asked Katie- no no, not me. Do i look that dumb to you? Wait. Don't even bother answering that.- Katie Bunsen, the Gossip Girl of our school. I can bet all my money that she already knows each and every detail-things maybe even i hadn't noticed- of the incident that had taken place. 

Before i could find an appropriate excuse to not telling the entire thing to her, Mr. Mallinock walked in and i silently thanked him. 

''Good morning, class'', he said in his deep tone. As i had mentioned earlier, he was a man of the ancient times. He wore a pair of crooked glasses perched on his nose as if it were a part of his body, his grey suit was ironed neatly and his shoes were stark black. He had grey hair with white streaks here and there. He was, according to me, one of the best professors this school has seen. His dedication and methods have never failed. Thanks to him, i could tolerate math and over the time, i'd actually grown to like the subject. 

''Good morning, Sir.'' we all sang. 

''Okay now, open up your textbooks and turn to page 156.'' he said.

All of us were in the process of doing so when the loudspeaker was turned on and Mrs. Tuck, the principal's secretary spoke into the mic, ''Ms. Katie Campbell, you are wanted in the Principal's office immediately.''

Being a prefect, this was pretty usual- me being called to the Pricipal's office. So i excused myself from the class and walked down the corridor and out towards the main building, trying to guess what i was being called for this time. A Play ? The Basketball match ? The official swim team list ? Ah, i'll just have to go and see for myself. 

Little did i know that this one announcement would change my life, for the better or worse ? I'll just leave that for you to decide. 

A.N : Helloooo :D It's like 1:30 am here and am as hyper as can be ! :P I was just sitting when i suddenly felt the urge to write. So i grabbed the lappy, opened wattpad and typed away like a ninja. (in other words it is an unedited chapter. xD) Anyways, I really hope you like this chapter cause i felt good when i was writing it. Please remember to vote and comment. :) That's it for now. 

Until next time, 

H. :))

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