Chapter 8

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''You do NOT just walk away when I'm still talking to you!'' I yell at him.

But he obviously doesn't hear me. Because he's long gone. 

And I actually thought, even if it was only for a fraction of a second, that we could be civil to each other. 

I'll tell you the reason for my yelling. It started in our Economics period.

As Mrs. Woodsen had asked of me, rather demanded, that I sit with Jerkface and help him with all of the pending work, I had no choice but to abide by it. 

So, at the end of the fifth hour, French, I jogged down the steps and walked into the Commerce department. I waved back to some of my classmates as they were walking to their classes.

''Hiya!!!'' said a known voice followed by a pounce on my back. 

''Woah! Sarah, you ain't feather weight, you know!'' I said, laughing. 

''I know. But you don't have to point that out and show off either, you know.'' she said, with her eyebrows raised.

''Oh, I know. But I just can't hold back from showing off my oh so skinny body!'' I say sarcastically and we all burst into giggles, because we all know that we're no feather weights. ''All'' because Lau and Nikita had joined us as well. This is one of the two classes that we have together.

We walk together to the class, talking and laughing on the way. Mrs. Woodsen hasn't come yet, which is surprising, but who am I to object ? We walk towards the middle two benches which we always occupy, when I remember that I have to sit with someone else for a while. 

''Hey, I won't be sitting with you people for a few classes.'' I say to them.

They all turn to face me, frowning. ''Why not?'' Lau asks. 

''Mrs. Woodsen asked me to help Jerkface catch up, so..yeah.'' I say. 

''Oooooh. Go girlfriend!'' Lau says, holding up her hand for a Hi5. 

''She could've asked me.'' said Nikita. 

''Are you nuts? Go girlfriend? I don't want to sit with him. And, N, you saw him too?'' I ask, ignoring the Hi5. Lau put her hand down with a glare.

''Who din't? God, I would give anything to have those-'' 

I cut Nikita off by saying, ''Stop right there. I really don't want to know. Gosh, you guys!'' I say with a disgusted expression.

''What? I was gonna say ''those eyes to look toward me''. Who's the dirty one now, huh?'' she asks, waggling her eyebrows.


''Whatever.'' I retort.

''Wait. Who will I sit with then?'' Nikki demanded. We sat on the same bench normally.

''Aw, Nikki. C'mon. Give her a chance to bond with Mr. Hottie.'' Lau said, with a pout.

''Fine.'' Nikki said with a frown. 

I just gave a look to Lau. 

In turn she looked behind me with that dreamy eyed look and I already knew who it was without even looking.

I turned to see Jerkface grin and wave at Lau. He strolled in casually like he owned the place. SO not like it was his first day. He took a seat right in the last corner bench of the class. I should've known. 

I sighed and walked towards him. When I sat next to him, he looked up from his phone. For a moment his face was filled with shock but then he quickly disguised it with a smirk. 

''Couldn't stay away for too long, could you, sweetheart?'' he asked.

Who was he? Mr. Clichedy Cliche ? :/

''No. Not a second longer.'' I said with sarcasm dripping from my mouth.

This made his smirk just grow even more bigger. Damn! I would give anything to take that smirk right off his face. 

I took off my bag and kept it on the table, ''Look, Mrs. Woodsen asked me to help you catch up. That's why I'll be sitting with you for a few classes.''

''Plural ?! What did ya use to bribe her? Do tell.'' he said, smirk intact.

dsvhiuvhfdivbfdhdfuvhfvufvbsugr. (The condition of my head right now, Ladies and Gentlemen.)

''Oh, you mean what did SHE do to bribe ME ? Nothing. Her being a teacher was enough.'' I replied, trying best to keep my cool. 

''Sure she did. So, I have a lot of catching up to do, huh?'' He asked, after laughing at my lame attempt at a comeback.

I checked some pages and said, ''Yeah, not all that much.'' 

''Listen, how about you come over in the evening so we finish it up within today?'' he asked.

Did he just say that?! 

''Huh?'' was the only thing I managed to get out after staring at him, dumbfounded. 

''I did speak in English.....or, did I?'' he asked and trailed off wondering. 

''Erm, hello?'' I asked, waving my hand in front of his face. Was this guy for real ?

''Yaa!'' he said, snapping out of his trance. ''So? You comin' ?''

''Why don't we just do it in school? It's not that much, you know..'' I said, trying to say no indirectly. 

''Oh, I see what you're trying to do here. You're wanting to spend more time with me. So you're aying that. 'Cause obviously, a few classes is more than just one day.'' he said.

''What? What is wrong with you? Have you completely lost it? No, that's so not it!'' I said in a complete gush.

''Oh, c'mon! Admit it. Admit it, that you've already fallen for me. I'm used to it. I won't judge.'' he said with a genuine smile. 


''Look, dude. Let's get one thing straight here. I AM NOT FALLING FOR YOU.'', I said, emphasising each word so that it could get through that thick head of his, ''I don't even know you.'' 

''Oh, lie to yourself all you want. But the truth ain't gonna change.'' he said. 

''What will it take you to get off my back?'' I asked him, clearly frustrated. Where the hell was Mrs. Woodsen?

''Come over to my place in the evening.'' he said with a smile.

''Fine. I'll come over...'' I said, as Mrs. Woodsen walked in.

Oh, NOW she remembers. Great.

''Good Morning, class.'' she says in this voice that booms.

''Morning, Mrs. Woodsen.'' we all greet her back. 

''So, we have a newbee today among us.'' she says while searching the class. Her eyes land next to me, on Jerkface. ''Mr..?'''

''Adrian. Adrian Ivanov.'' 

A.N : Yello! :D My UNEDITED chappie for you. ^_^

Hope you'll like it :D

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Till later,

H. :)

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