Chapter 9

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''Adrian. Adrian Ivanov.'' he said.

''Well, Mr. Ivanov, welcome to St. Xaviers. I hope you have had a warm welcome.'' said Mrs. Woodsen.

He looked down at me, gave it a thought, and said, ''Yeah sure, why not.'' 

''Mr. Ivanov, you should feel honoured to be in this school. I hope you live up to our expectations.'' she repeated the same line she says to every newcomer, only difference being the change of names.

''Yes, ma'am. I am.'' he said.

She gave him a nod indicating that he could take his seat.

''So, class, I'm sure you all remember the Law of Diminishing margins'' Mrs. Woodsen could get boring at times...I was getting the feeling this was one of those times. Ah well. 

I looked out at our field that could be seen from every window in our campus. It was so vast, one of the biggest. All our sports events were held here, both inter-school and Inter-house. I've always wanted to try out for running, but I've never really gotten myself to do it, afraid I'll make a mockery of myself...

''So, you're immune to touch.'' Jer...Adrian whispered to me. 

''Huh?'' I asked coming out of Dreamland. 

''Deaf too? Sad.'' he replied.

''Sorry, I was just lost in thought. Tell me.'' I said.

''Tell you what?'' he asked with a confused expression.

''Erm, whatever you wanted to..?'' I asked. 

''What did I want to ask?'' he asked.

Okay, this was getting confusing. 

''You should know.'' I said.

''What should I know?'' he asked.

''Oh God. Just leave it. Okay?'' I said, exasperated. 

''Leave what?'' he asked.

''Do you want me to throw this book on your head?'' I asked, pointing towards my textbook, lying open on the table.

He replied by laughing as loud as he could, given we were in class. ''You're fun to annoy.'' he said.

I just gave him an irritated look. He wasn't even worthy of a reply. 

He smirked. ''At a loss of words, are we, sweetheart?'' he asked.

''Don't you ever-''

''Ms. Campbell and Mr. Ivanov.'' Mrs. Woodsen said, calmly but in a voice that stated 'You dare not mess with me'

Oh Good Lord.

We both looked at each other and stood up simultaneously. 

''May we have in on the obviously more interesting topic you two were sharing?'' she asked. 

There were a few snickers from the class. Both of us found mutual interest in the floor patterns. No matter the cockiness, Adrian atleast knew when to shut up.

Mrs. Woodsen kept staring at us for like ever. Then, ''So, class, as I was saying...'' and she went on to continue her explanation.

Adrian was about to sit down but I stopped him with my hand. See, in Mrs. Woodsen's class, this is how it went. You talk, she catches you, she guilt-trip's you and then she ignores you, atleast for that class.

''What?'' he asked in a hushed voice.

''Don't sit.'' I said with a warning look.

''Whatever'' he said, sitting down. 

''Yes, so can anyone tell me what will happen if....'' Mrs Woodsen had just written something on the board. Se turned to look at the class and I think I know why she stopped mid sentence. 

''Mr. Ivanov, do you have no respect for your teachers?'' she asked.

''I'm sorry, ma'am. It won't happen again.'' he said.

''Very well. Ms. Campbell, you can sit down now.'' she said. 

Though shocked beyond words, 'cause this was the first time a person sat down, if you knwo what I mean, I managed to get out an apology and sit down. 

I looked at Adrian with shock clearly shown on my face. And, he being very loyal to my nickname for him, smirked back. What was I doing looking at him like that? His ego needed no boosting, trust me. 

I put on a neutral expression and looked at the board, waiting for this class to get over. 

''I know you like me, you don't have to hide it.'' 

''Stop kidding yourself, Je- Adrian.'' I quickly changed the name, hopng he wouldn't notice it.

''Hey! that's my line.'' he said, lightly punching me on the arm.

''Very funny, Adrian. I just can't stop laughing.'' I said with a rather bored look. 

''Oh, I know.'' he said. 

''Freak.'' I muttered. 

''I heard that.'' 

''Good. Then you're not deaf.'' I retorted.

''Sweetheart.'', he said sighing, ''You should really stop being so rude. Not good for girls.'' 

''Typical.'' I said. 

''Typical cliche ove story? I know. Girl falls or guy. Girl tries to resist but eventually gives in. You're in the resisting phase. It's okay. I'll give you time.'' 

The period bell rang and Mrs. Woodsen left the classroom. 

''Adrian!'' I yelled, ''There is a limit to everything!...'' 

He smiled at me, got up and starting walking out the class. 

And that's how I ended up yelling at him. 

God, I hated him. And I was pretty sure I'll hate him for-ever.

Boy, was I wrong. 

A.N : Helllo ^.^

Hope you like it :))

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-H. <3

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