Chapter 13

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Three years ago...

''So, tell me, Laureen, if I checked your phone now how many secrets would I find ?'', I asked her while picking out petals from the branch above me. 

It was pretty cold out that day and so we followed tradition. We put on our jackets and went on our treetop, our secret hiding place. It was the one place nobody knew of in the entire area and that suited us well. 

''What secrets?'', Adrian asked coming up the tree and perching next to me. (Yes, perching. Bird language. It goes with the whole treetop scenario). 

Did I mention ''our'' included the three of us ? Laureen, Adrian and me. Actually it was originally only Laureen's and mine but then Adrian kind of sneaked up on us one day and found this place and ever since, he's joined us. Irritating, I know. 

''Nothing. And besides, my phone is locked, so it's a lost cause.'', Laureen said, moving a bit to make space for Adrian. 

I picked her phone from beside her and typed in a four digit code and Voila! 

''What! How did you know my password?'', she asked, too shocked to snatch back the phone.

''Watch and learn, honey.'', I said with a huge smirk. ''So, what do we have in store?'', I went looking straight into the gallery and I found what I was looking for. 

''Zack Waters huh?''. I wouldn't blame her though, the entire school is gaga behind him. And here she was, one in the crowd of a million, having an entire album of him and only him. How romantic! 

I looked up from her phone only to see a candy floss replace her face. I am not exxagerating. It was that pink! 

''Seriously? Him? AGAIN?'', Adrian asked in an I Give Up tone.

''Oh shut up, you're just jealous he's got more fans than you.'', I said, nudging him.

''You know I don't care about that. I'm really tired of watching girls go nuts after that dude.''

''Yeah...I mean, c'mon ladies, give this poor kid a chance too.'', I said, pointing at Adrian. 

And I startted laughing.

''And that is how Katie Campbell killed the World, Ladies and Gentlemen. Overdose of laughter.'', Adrian said in a very broadcasty manner. 

I just stuck my tongue out and made a face at him. He smiled and returned the favour. 

''You two cannot be kidding me anymore with this.'', Laureen said.

I immediately became a little stiff and I felt Adrian do the same. 

''With what?'', I asked ''casually'' and got down on the ground a little too hurriedly and started walking. 

I could hear Laureen whisper, ''Tell her already. It's obvious!''

I took out my headphones and kept walking. I was going to put them on,

''Katie!'', Adrian shouted out from the tree top. 

I stopped and waited, not turning around.

''I....I- I like you.'', he shouted.

I swallowed my blush and turned around.

''Cool.'', I said, not trusting myself with anything more. I turned back and conitnued walking. 

''I love you, Katie.'', he shouted, now sounding closer.

I stopped and this time, I couldn't stop the blush. It engulfed me entirely. I turned around. He was standing below the tree top now, looking at me, waiting for an answer. 

I just smiled at him, shied away and kept walking.

God, he had actually just said it. Oh my God, he finally admitted it. God, what am I doing ? Oh my God, Adrian loves me ! Oh God, I don't think I can breathe anymore. Oh my God, I can't believe this! Oh God. 

''Why are you walking so fast?'', Adrian asked, now walking alongside me. I hadn't realized the speed of my pace thanks to my internal mini party. 

''Hey hey hey...'', Adrian said, coming in front of me. ''Calm down, kitty girl.''

I tried to even my breathing. I stared down at the ground, I din't dare look up. 

He brought up his fingers to my chin and slowly lifted it and waited for me to look at him.

I finally gave in and looked up. What was I thinking? God, those eyes! So familiar, so deep, so...Yes, I'm a goner. 

''I love you.'', he said for the second time.

What does he think he's doing going around saying that Twice! Does he want me to die of happiness or something?! Oh hell, is that possible? 

One thing I knew for sure was I felt the same way towards him, for a long time now, and I think he deserves to know it. 


There. I said it. Yes, it was hardly a whisper. Yes, it was said in about half a heartbeat. But that was all I could get out without passing out right there. 

''Say what?''

I looked up only to see him smirking. He knew it was hard enough for me. 

Such a bakeball.  

A.N : So, yeah, a little flashback. Just go with it, you will inderstand eventually, if you haven't already, that is. Anyway, this is just a quick ''unedited'' update what with my exams going on. 

Enjoy! :) - H. 

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